Saturday, April 19, 2014

This Is What Energetic Zealous Persons Will Do

During the twenty-first century, motivated, talented persons will emerge and play a significant role in establishing A NEW GOLDEN ORDER for mankind. In other words, the Will of God, divine inspiration or the power of the omnipotent God will force talented individuals to make appropriate endeavor and endure hardships for the divine cause. Keeping it in view, Mahakal has taken a decision to bring out and proliferate talents during this period. The Almighty has also decided to make them competent, powerful and equip them with capacity to show increasing valor for establishing ideals in the society.

In the days to come, the existing ideologies will have to be provided a new direction, so that man dares adopt only those practices which are proper and utilitarian for mankind. The new ideologies would also give man enough boldness to at least resist the improprieties, if not enough courage to fight against them: It would necessitate outstanding endeavors to incorporate those ingredients in various media, which could help in rectification of improper traditions and establishing counter-productive ideologies. The first step in this direction would be creation of appropriate literature, which will just be a beginning and like sowing of seeds in a garden. The effort would, however, become pervasively effective only with establishment of an extensive marketing and distribution system after publication in major languages. Like a gardener, who tends to newly germinated seedlings to protect them from dying, the newly created literature will have to be expanded and distributed on a large scale.

Creation of appropriate literature is only one of the requirements of the revolution for changing ideologies, but it does not serve the purpose in entirety. For the three-fourth illiterate population of the world, the basic requisites would be fulfilled only after creation of powerful audio-visual means of publicity and their widespread utilization. It would also need mechanized systems. Today, books no longer serve the purpose of mass communication. The medium of press has also become a necessity. In this age of science, a multi-pronged publicity with the help of periodicals, books, leaflets, stickers, posters etc. is desired. Slide projection would also serve this purpose. Television, films and documentaries too are today powerful means of communication. There was a time when the objective of propagating ideals was carried out by spoken words during an assembly to hear religious discourses (Satsang), where people gathered to hear sermons and participate in mass singing of hymns (Sankeertans). The contemporary environment and fast pace of life do not permit frequent arrangements for assembly of people. The message is, therefore, required to be carried from person to person, door to door by kindling fire of idealism in each heart. For this purpose all means of media like Prabhat Pheris (Groups of slogan shouting, hymn singing people moving in a procession) may be used. Music and acting have their own significance. Serious thought would have to be given and best way and means found for making best use of means of media for publicity. The effort will have to be so extensive as to spread the message of enlightenment to benefit all and sundry without difficulty.

Extensive publicity is essential and is also capable of meeting the requirements of the first phase of the movement. However, it must not be considered as an end in itself. The second phase would need "Training". Most of the existing concepts, views, and traditions will have to be changed. In a way it may be considered as melting and remolding of private and public interests. The task will be formidable since the contemporary values, habits and traditions would not surrender to such a major change easily. The entire process should not be merely a brainwashing of people but a total metamorphosis of the social structure. Such a goal can be achieved by adopting a tradition, a capability to make people wise and besides inducing psychological changes in mind according to the new system, also making it possible to bring about a total change in confirmed habits.

An education conducive to introduction of pragmatic equitableness in the social system and norms is required to be evolved and made available to literates and illiterates alike without any discrimination. Disregarding the present structure of society which has compartmentalized people on the basis of sects, languages, habits and traditions, the new education will have to rise above all dogmas to choose that path of progress which is fully capable of answering all queries and fulfill all wants of the new generation of twenty-first century.

The system of imparting education would also necessitate reformation. In the new system, the periods of recess would be limited and semesters would continue till the student develops a faculty to overcome blind faith in illogical traditions and beliefs and instinctly begins to behave in conformity with human dignity. Human existence consists of many components. It comprises various facets of body, mind, behavior, tradition, creativity, utilization and so on and so forth. All of them need attention for significant change. The educational system tomorrow will be required to be comprehensive, from the point of view of total development of human personality. It can be developed irrespective of the current state policy of education, which would hardly interfere with the existing structure. For structuring a new world order, every responsible person sensitive to human misery is expected to offer SAMAYDAN (Time donation) and ANSHDAN DAN (Donation of a part of personal resources). On an average, every healthy person has four hours of leisure at one's disposal. Out of these, anyone dedicated to contemporary religion can spare at least two hours. The elites are particularly expected to offer their services by sparing a part of resources available to them for sustenance or by taking donation from people by motivating them to retain only minimum resources for their own living. By exercising control on the desire for having a large family and leaving a large property for them, a social worker can save enough time, resources and energy for the great objective for which Mahakal has great expectations from active, energetic persons and from people who are desirous of shaping the destiny of man. With the revival of the ancient tradition Vanprastha (Utilizing post-middle age period of life for service of society), many competent, talented, experienced persons will be found entering the battle field and taking charge of front position in the global war against improprieties, which would resurrect the Golden Age of Satyug.

The above endeavor would not only need many hours. It would also necessitate as many resources. In the initial stages of the, scheme a good beginning was made by establishing a tradition of donation of 10 paisa (one tenth of currency) per day collected through Gyan Ghut (a receptacle for collecting alms for spreading enlightenment). With the expansion of the field of work now greater contribution of ANSHDAN (a part of personal resources) will be required. The leaders of the movement are, therefore, expected to save one-day's earning of the month regularly so that the grand global schemes for restructuring the society could be appropriately supported and implemented extensively. Those who have accumulated wealth disproportionate to their earning are being sincerely warned to dispose it of for society as an act of penance. In ancient times the elites of society followed this tradition and on such auspicious occasions, liberally handed over their accumulated wealth for alleviation of contemporary problems the society. Then, from time to time innumerable self-sacrificing benefactors of mankind like Bhamashah, Ashok, Harshwardhan, Vajishraua came to the forefront to set an example. Following the same great tradition, if someone voluntarily submits one's SAMAYDAN and ANSHDAN, it would bring great benefit to the entire human race as well as to the donor.

SAMAYDAN and ANSHDAN must, however, necessarily be for the purpose of that objective of mass-awakening on which depends the advent of the forthcoming Golden Age. The foregoing are the two essential Brahmkarms (duties of the Brahman), which formed the basis for universal happiness during the past golden era of Satyug. The one and only goal of the mission is to take successive steps for imbibing divine ideals in man for establishing a " Golden Order for humanity", which would mean nothing less than bringing heaven on earth.

So far we have succeeded only in identification of goal. The task is stupendous and comprises such a wide variety of components, that every one can easily find a compatible assignment according to one's own status, qualification and environment. In this context, requisite guidance will continue to be provided by that Invisible Celestial Power, which has decided to implement the plan of this mega-revolution and has also resolved to collect the necessary resources for its success.

In this connection, at the mission's headquarters at Shantikunj, Sadhna training sessions are being organized. The object of these courses is to provide an opportunity for cooperative endeavor by "tuning in" with the contemporary component of power of God (Yug Shakti) and in the process ensure action in the right direction by accumulating sufficient divine energy and motivation. The nine-day long sessions of training being held round the year also teach one the sadhana of style of living. This training is being carried out between 1st and 9th day, 11th and 19th day and 21st and 29th day of each month. During these sessions, training in especially potent sadhana in spirituality is being imparted, which with practice can be conveniently carried out by anyone, anywhere. In course of the sessions, apart from general guidelines, a provision also exists for counseling according to maturity of faith, capability, qualification and environment of the aspirant. That is to say, depending upon one’s specific environment, capacity and status, each person can choose appropriate discipline of training. For those who have more time to spare, there are monthly semesters running between first and 29th of each month. In order to seek admission to these sessions, desiring candidates are advised to send details of full name, address, a brief introduction and suitability of time.

Source: ‘’Donation of Time – The Supreme Charity’’ by Sri Ram Sharma Acharya

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