Saturday, April 19, 2014

A Rare Opportunity To Become A Torch-Bearer

Not only the change to the NEW GOLDEN ORDER for humanity would involve hard endeavour of talented persons, they will also be receiving divine condescension in equal measure. In the process, the invisible extrasensory powers of God will play an extraordinary role in changing adversities into favourableness.

Broadly speaking, this enterprise of global transformation consists of two important components, namely eradication of evil traits (Dushpraviti Unmoolan) and augmentation of traits of virtues (Satpravritti. Sarnvardhan), but they have countless ramifications and variety of forms in the multitude of local environments of people and places in the world. A metamorphosis of psychological make-up, character and behaviour of man on global scale is not an easy task and it would need numerous architects.

In the remaining seven years of targeted date of completion of this mega-project (i.e. by the end of this century), a broad outline of the work-assignment of the mission family has been chalked out and is also being implemented expeditiously.

One hundred thousand architects of humanity are being recruited and trained. In many sects of the people of this country (India) there has been an establishment tradition of dedicating the services of one of the family members for social welfare as a Sikh, soldier or an ascetic. Reviving the tradition, hordes of people are being trained at the mission’s headquarter at Shantikunj. Any dedicated person can make modest arrangements for his family by earning through a cottage industry and devote undivided attention to welfare activities without worrying for earning wages. The already established tradition of daily donation of only one-tenth or one-fifth of the local currency from one's earning, and a few man-hours of personal time from each individual will take care of all necessities.

A systematic scheme named "Dharma Yagya" has been initiated for implementation during the remaining part of the twentieth century, which happens to be the juncture of two centuries (Yug Sandhi). It has tripartite objective of, one refining and making talents of people effective, two, increasing congeniality of extra-sensory environment and three, providing a high acceleration to traits of creativity in the society. Action on this scheme would continue during the stipulated period and the Poornahuti (The finale of this Yagya) will be performed by a minimum, of one hundred million Sadhak on the targeted date. Association and participation of this number is the will of God and, therefore, a certainty. One may rest assured that the strong endeavor of this large multitude of this mission's family, returning to their homes after taking a joint pledge for reshaping the future, would not be in any way less than that of Bhagirath, who explored the course of river Gangs from its source in its heavenly abode in Gangotri. Nor should one expect those numerous talented persons who are not members of this mission but are sensitive to human misery to remain indifferent to this crusade. Their contribution too would not be lesser than that of the mission. It would also be noteworthy. The march of humanity will end only after reaching the destined goal.

During the Sahastra Kundi Gayatri Mahayagya held at Gayatri Tapobhoomi, Mathura in the year 1958, hundreds of thousands of devotees (Sadhaks) had taken part and were given specific assignments. The movement provided by that initial push has generated enough acceleration to bring mission's activities to the present status, which are obviously considered incredible by all human standards.

Now the last scene of my life's endeavour is being enacted in taking the Yug Sandhi Mahapurashcharan to its successful completion (Poornahuti) in the beginning of Twenty-first century. Considering the past performance as an indication, it could be seen that since the number of a hundred million Sadhaks Associates, now taking the pledge will be twenty times more than those present during 1958, the output will also become commensurately multiplied to sustain 25 missionary activities of the level of present Yug Nirman Yojna. The renewed effort on this large scale will definitely stimulate the thinking of most of world's population and provide it a new direction for reforming the ideologies. A doubt is often expressed about the possibility of efficient management of this mega-plan during the next twelve years, after my death. (Acharya-Shri voluntarily abandoned his physical body on 02-06-1990 to work through astral body). In this context, one is advised to keep in mind that t to have been welfare activities which appeared organized by this humble self, were in fact being managed by the Omnipotent divinity (Daivi Chetna). This body of my person has hardly contributed one percent. In future, the former motivating power would systematically perform a million times more than what I could do on His behest during my life. No one would have any scope for apprehensions of failure of this mega plan. The days to come will be eventful and are bringing many additional responsibilities on my shoulders. It is not possible for this infirm old physical body to do the needful. The physical of flesh, bones and blood has its limitations. Sookshma Shareer (astral body) can perform a thousand times more. For withholding the position on the double front of eradication of evil traits and augmentation of virtuous traits on a global scale, for self and for motivating others to do the same; there is no alternative to taking help of "Sookchma" and "Karan sharreers" (astral and causal bodies of the being). Since responsibilities have increased manifold, in spite of being physically fit, it is being considered necessary to abandon this physical body and in its place make entire existence of Shantikunj i.e. place, people and environment as personal abode. Let there be no doubt that in spite of managing varied extensive activities of the mission throughout the world, I would not remain least indifferent to organization and responsibilities of Shantikunj. It will continue to function efficiently as before and would even improve in performance. The Poornahuti will be performed with one hundred million devotee's (sadhaks) participation and all resources for the event will be provided by divinity. As I am conscious of my responsibilities, I implore the members of the mission to be responsible for their own. Nothing else is needed.

Each of the present members of the mission has been advised to make maximum contribution towards welfare activities and in practice of meditation. At the same time they are asked to keep in mind the objective of associating five persons each to mission's activities, which would increase the number of participants in geometrical progression. This is in furtherance of their present responsibilities, as members of the mission. Once each member takes the responsibility of five more, the target will be completed by the time of Poornahuti. An introduction of twenty-five new persons to the mission would entitle one to be called Patron and they will be considered as dependable members At least a minimum of five associates must be introduced by each member to ensure the targeted figure of one hundred million.

One who lays an orchard leaves a legacy of profits for successive generations. It should be appreciated that any endeavour supplementing the Yug Sandhi Purashcharan (the present crusade at the juncture of countries) would be rewarded manifold. It would have far-reaching happy consequences for the person for many generations. Any indifference shown to this rare opportunity would only bring in self-reproachment in future and one would feel miserable on having lost a historical opportunity, because of lethargy and indolence. Amongst the present members of the mission there will be a rare person who would find it difficult to follow the present directives of contemporary religion and refrain from SAMAYDAN and ANSHDAN. The present crusade is not confined to any particular country, community, religion or sect. All are welcome to take part. Aspirants may indicate willingness of their own and of their associates on a plain sheet of paper giving details of name, age, address and profession. They will be provided a registration number from Shantikunj, for future reference and correspondence.

Source: ‘’Donation of Time – The Supreme Charity’’ by Sri Ram Sharma Acharya

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