Friday, April 18, 2014

Devote Maximum Time For Creation Of A New Order For Mankind

God has provided living beings with many extraordinary capabilities, but it is an irony of nature that they usually lie hidden in a dormant state. Generally, only those capabilities of man are found in operative state which are required for maintenance of human bio-system. In order to activate any of those specific capabilities of the system for a particular purpose, motivated persons make special endeavours.

In the beginning of creation, the scriptures say, no one knew about the enormous wealth lying in abyssal depths of the oceans and infinite expanse of cosmos. Then, on the advice of Prajapati (God), the Devas and Daityas made a joint effort and the fourteen celestial gems discovered brought miraculous affluence to mankind all over the universe. (This is a metaphorical expression for developing one's hidden talents by vigorous intellectual stimulation). The scriptures regard human being as the supreme creation of God. Witnessing the anomalous status of intelligent human species amongst the lesser evolved biological beings of lower order, the philosophers regarded man as "the deity who has lost its way to heaven". Provided with an expert guide, any human being is capable of surprising anyone by stupendous achievements and competence.

Although there is a mass-awareness of the vice grip of improprieties in all aspects of life and about the struggle which man faces on its way to progress, there appears to be inertia in human race to alleviate the situation by enthusing capabilities symbolical and representative of Divine Omnipotence. Had there been just a few in this world like Narad singing invigorating songs of awakening an environment could have been easily created, in which a happy coincidence of human effort and divine grace would have easily brought about a metamorphosis comparable to Yug Parivartan (A total change in the existing environment ushering in a New World Order).

When milk is boiled, the cream floats up on the surface. The society does not forever remain indifferent to human misery. Those who are sensitive cannot disregard the clarion call of Mahakal. They will tighten their belts to make some contribution or the other to fulfill his will. In army, the sound of trumpet makes each soldier rush out of the tent and stand in a row. Much before receiving the command, the soldiers complete the process of wearing the uniform and tightening their belts. So will the crusaders of this century do.

The objective of contemporary religion is to make a strong endeavour for mass-awakening. It is destined to happen. Talents are gathering on the forefront of the battlefield and preparing phased systematic schemes for mass awakening. The distortions in values seen prevalent today, are not going to last in future. Ideologies, which have gone astray will be forced to revert by the omnipotent God to righteous and creditable path.

A change of beliefs in wrong values (Vichar Parivartan) on the scale of global "brain washing", to encompass over six billion men and women living all over the world, would require giant schemes, in which everyone big or small in status, will have to make some contribution or the other. Refinements of ideologies would take place with the help of all means of media, pen, words, and audio-visual appliances. In this context, it would become necessary to make all and sundry familiar with contemporary reformist literature brought out by this mission. In recent past, many amongst us have been a witness to results of revolutionary writings of writers like Karl Marx, Russo, Hariet Stow etc. The literature of this mission is going to create a revolution.

The reformist literature of the century is being made available free of cost to each educated persons at home through the medium of mobile libraries in the shape of dedicated volunteers carrying books in bags and through hand-pushed carts containing booklets. Readers are also being requested to educate the illiterate by way of reading. This movement has so far covered the Hindi speaking states of India, but soon it would spread to all regions covering major language groups of this country and abroad and take the world by storm like a giant tornado. (The manuscript of this book was written in 1989).

The purpose of audio-publicity is being served by the giant pervasive scheme of inexpensive Deep Yagyas through which the message of contemporary resurgence (Yug Chetna) would continue to spread speedily from village to village. Besides, a series of group discussions are also being organized for thinkers of society. Through these meetings each conscientious person is being motivated to adopt discriminating judgment, honesty, responsibility and courage in day-to-day life. Plans are being formulated to distribute enlightening sermons and motivating songs from door to door through the medium of audio-visual cassettes. An easy medium of communication has been found by introducing reformatory songs in stage shows. Attempts will also be made to use the powerful medium of audio-visual cassettes.

The sun rises in the east. History testifies that from time to time, India has shown the world the right way of progress. It is again its turn. Not only people in India will be motivated by the new wave, depending upon convenience of communication between various language groups, talents from all over the world will come forward voluntarily and will be seen making specific contributions for an all-round transformation of values for entire human race.

The campaign for publicity must also be associated with extremely dedicated social service. Following this methodology Christian missionaries have converted more or less half of population of the world to their faith in last hundred years or so. The plan for restructuring of society (Yug Nirman) by mass awakening consists of two constructive programs and two programs on prohibitive aspects taken on priority. According to one of these schemes each educated person will be motivated to educate at least two illiterates. The mobile human library plan constitutes a component of the above scheme. Thus each neoliterate will get an opportunity to know the dimensions of contemporary problems and ponder over solutions thereof.

The process of total education would consist of two complementary components of school and library.

The second constructive program is that of women's liberation (Nari Jagran). It is a revolutionary step aimed at liberating fifty per cent of world's population from the status of second grade citizen and make it understand its real potential. In the twenty-first century, women are going to have a prominent place in all walks of life. In each field, she will be playing a more dominant role than man. Efforts should, therefore, be made to upgrade the status of woman to an appropriate level from the point of view of education, health, self-dependence and personal efficacy. To achieve this objective, woman will have to be given two types of facilities. One, she must be provided some relief from her day-long busy routine of household work so that she gets an opportunity to do something for her own progress. Two- she must have minimum burden of producing children. While on one hand, it would help in controlling the population growth, on the other, the woman with lesser family burden will have more opportunity to acquire higher qualifications.

The above two programs may be taken up according to availability of the time, place and environment. Along with the mission's plan for mass awakening these schemes too, need zealous TIME DONORS.

Amongst the plethora of virtuous constructive activities needed for society there is a multitude of things to be done in the realm of reformation of evil traits. The members of mission are recommended to take up two plans of action on top priority. One-eradication of drug abuse and two-reforming the practice of wasteful expenditure during marriages. These are the two factors responsible for making the society poorer and weaker day by day. Besides, people should take a pledge to refrain from either taking any drug (or hard drink) or letting anyone do it. All and sundry may be educated with the harms of such addictions and every effort made to get rid of such evil habits. Similarly, it should be widely propagated that expensive marriage make one poor and dishonest. Once curtailment of dowry, ornaments, exhibitionism and unnecessary crowd of participants in marriage ceremony comes into effect, it would be established as a standard code of matrimony in society and constitute an important component of codes of dignified human behavior.

Gandhi had initiated his great civil disobedience movement with the Khadi Movement and Namak Satyagrah which ultimately diversified into many streams and succeeded in giving a new lease of life to national freedom movement. Under the Yug Nirman Yojna of the mission, besides publicity campaigns, two programs namely "removal of illiteracy" and "establishing norms for inexpensive marriages" have been taken in hand. Thousands of such marriages have already been solemnised at the mission's headquarters at Shantikunj, Haridwar, India.

The foregoing is only an introduction to some of the programs of the mission. These may be taken as the preliminary arrangements of a good beginning. In future, many more schemes will be taken up for all-round transformation in society and restructuring of existing social set-up, keeping in view that much more will be required in expertise, time, work and resources than what has been usurped in bringing man to the present state of decadence. The resources would not, however, come out of blue. Talented persons motivated by the contemporary divine awakening willed by God (Yug Chetna) will have to come forward and make a good beginning with their own TIME DONATION, which will be appropriately utilized according to requirements of the crusade. Today, Mahakal is making a solitary request and is expecting every talented person to refrain from being miser in these moments of crisis and show generosity which could be considered honorable and an ideal example for posterity. It is being assured that each member of this mission will show courage and keep in contact with the mission's headquarters at Shantikunj through either personal interaction or correspondence, in respect of further plans for action.

Source: ‘’Donation of Time – The Supreme Charity’’ by Sri Ram Sharma Acharya

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