Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Future Scenario-Prophecies

The new millennium is undoubtedly arriving heralding a bright future with prevalence of the order of equality and unity for the entire human race. Some enlightened individuals have been intuitively foreseeing such a future for humanity. Many predictions made about global problems and their solutions, by internationally famous futurologists in various parts of the world, have proved to be correct. Some four hundred years ago, a French astrologer Nostradamus had made a few uncanny predictions about almost all major world events to date. He describes the period beyond the year 2000 as “The Age of Truth”. According to him in establishing the new world order, India will play a major role. A detailed commentary on the prophecies of Nostradamus has been published by a scholar named John Haug under the title “Nostradamus and the Millennium” Elucidating the observations of Nostradamus on India, he says, that a new wave of awakening  will arise in India in 1990 A.D. and cast its spell all over the world.

Other internationally renowned futurologists like Margaret Meed, Herman Con, Peter Hercaus and Williams, too corroborate this prediction of Nostradamus that in the Twenty-First Century man will find solutions to all of its present problems and set traditions for building a sound foundation for global peace and prosperity. Professor Harar, a well-known futurologist sees India emerging as a great power and receiving support of many nations and experts in establishing a new world order. In her book “My Life and Prophecies” Jean Dixon mentions about the materialistic West finding solace in the doctrines of the East and in conquest of righteousness. According to her, India will play a major role in establishing global peace. Professor Chero too supports this observation. In his book “Brave New World”, the great futurologist Huxley Cama says that the forthcoming global revolution emerging for establishing equality and unity amongst the human race would surpass all previous revolutions in human history and signs of this revolution will appear in twelve years preceding the Twenty First Century. In a book entitled” Islam-the hope of Future”, syed kutva mentions about integration of science and religion in the beginning of 21st century.

The great Indian Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo mentions about emergence of super mind before the year 2001 in spiritually charged talented persons, which will bring about great ideological changes the world over. In course of one of his discourses in the year 1897, Vivekananda had mentioned about the wise men from India coming forward and establishing a culture of unity and equality throughout the world.  

In one of its issues, the internationally famous weekly "TIME" magazine says that the endeavours for a bright future for humanity are gaining momentum. Its issue of the 2nd April 1989, covers India extensively. It says that a special type of leadership is emerging in India and on account of its spiritual heritage, youth power and a large number of intellectuals and talented personas, it is going to lead the world. Astrological observations in an issue of Washington post find a relationship between the unusual solar flares and, inter alia, rise of India as a world power. Thus, many futurologists mention about the destruction of regressive trends and straightening of progressive ones leading to creation of a happy environment for mankind in the new millennium.

These days, humanity is passing through the most crucial period in the entire history. With global problems like nuclear proliferation, environmental pollution, drug abuse, AIDS and terrorism, it appears as though mankind has resigned itself to the mercy of the forces of destruction. Nevertheless, there has always been a ray of hope in the thickest of darkness. Let us recall the events of the second world war. In those days  hen England was under heavy bombardment by the air force of Germany, leaving devastation everywhere, the citizen watched helplessly and hopelessly. In such an environment of uncertainty, the British premier Winston Churchill did not lose hope and gave the- signal of ‘V’ for victory. The symbol filled the hearts of people with a new enthusiasm. They felt assured that ultimately they were going to win the war. Thus a simple slogan changed the course of history and instead of surrendering to fate and despair, all the nations opposed to Nazism and Fascism collectively resolved to make a formidable Grand Alliance of Nations which gave a crushing defeat to the enemy.

History is being repeated today, the misutilisation of powers and resources during the last three hundred years has made the common man apprehensive about the problems of tomorrow. It is well known that demoralization precedes degradation.

Considering the prevailing environment, it is absolutely necessary to enthuse the common man for establishing a new structure of morality for humanity and create a suitable environment for that immediately. It would need carrying the message of “A Bright Future In The Next Millennium” to more and more people. Let the role and significance of Shantikunj in fulfilling this objective of creating such an environment be appreciated. With faith and conviction in success, let us contribute our mite for such endeavours which are capable of compensating the damage done by selfish and foolish acts of humanity in the past in the immediate future.

-By Shri Ram Sharma Acharya

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