Thursday, December 6, 2012

Shantikunj – The Cradle of the New Transformation of Humanity

In response for a divinely inspired revelation a call has gone forth from Shantikunj that each member of the mission must undertake a twelve year long collective Spiritual Sadhana (called Mahapurashcharan) corresponding to the Transitional Period between the second and Third Millennium. According to the spiritual calendar of India, an Era (Yug) also has a span of 12 years. This period of 12 years also corresponds to non-material changes in the subtle world (Sookchma Jagat) coexisting within this very material, physical world. At the end of each Era (Yug), this non-material global existence also undergoes significant changes. These changes in the invisible realm affect events in the physical realm. For this very reason, Indian spirituality prescribes quite a few spiritual exercises for 12 years duration. At Shantikunj, an extensive experiment is being carried out, in course of which, a host of creative and reformative programmes are being initiated with great zeal on this basis .

In our nine-days-one month long courses, there is a unique integration of ascetic exercises for enhancement of inner energy for effective utilisation of talents, with a strong motivation for physically working for the welfare of mankind. These courses of one month and nine days durations are conducted round the year. In both these courses, there is an emphasis on cultivation of self-discipline (Sadhna). The system of training refines the developed personality of the trainee and brings out the latent talents of the individual for effective utilisation in positive pursuits.

As mentioned earlier, in general, each individual is supposed to carry out the routine ascetic exercises prescribed for the Mahapurashcharan for 12 years, Hence after being initiated in the methodology through the above training, the missionaries go back to their native places and continue to organize weekly group-sessions for creative righteous persons. Effort is made to invite maximum number of people and motivate them to join the crusade for total transformation of human beings. In this way, this revolution is progressively touching vast sections of the population. Soon we shall find millions of motivated volunteers actively associated with this project.

In ancient days, this country had a built-in system in families for contributing social workers to the society. On reaching middle age, each individual traditionally entered the “Vanaprastha” mode of life in which he devoted his remaining life with all available time, resources and energy for the welfare of the society. This system can be revived and there would not be any difficulty in enthusing open-hearted persons for the noble work of welfare of humankind. If Buddha and Gandhi could make millions join their mass movements for individual and collective good, there should not be any difficulty in repeating the process for meeting requirements of present times, particularly so, when the divine forces emanating from the invisible subtle realm are also ready to help. In human history, super persons like Bhagirath have single-handedly changed the face of the earth by Divine Grace. From time to time great talents have created miracles in various fields. Hence there is no reason why the will of God for creating divine workers for the new world order will not be fulfilled. Like flowers sprouting in spring, talented persons are found suddenly appearing and coming in limelight, at appropriate time in history, to serve the Will of God.

The twenty-first century, will witness a collective descent of Divinity in humanity. Shantikunj might well be one of the focal points for such a divine descent. This hermitage is like the fount of a holy river in the Himalayas. The source of Ganga in Gangotri , of Yamuna in Yamumotri, of Narmada in Amarkantak, of Brahmaputra in Mansarovar, are all situated in the Himalayas. Thus spirituality (as a holy river of a world transforming movement) comes forth from its source in the Himalayas as a tiny rivulet, but as it proceeds further and further, its extension and force multiplies progressively to gigantic proportions. The place, which is net casting this divine proclamation of the advent of New Millennium of Love, Light  and Life all over the world may well be Shantikunj.

-By Shri Ram Sharma Acharya

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