Saturday, October 3, 2015

Thought Revolution - An Introduction


Thought Revolution (Vichar Kranti Abhiyan) is a Unique Movement for Refinement of people’s thinking and positive orientation of mass psychology. 
The unique experiment of “Vichar Kranti” - gradual refinement of thoughts, righteous transformation of attitude and sublime transmutation of human psychology up to the divine realms of spirituality is the foundation of this mission. 

The founder of the mission, Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya, wrote about 3000 enlightening books on wide ranging topics.  

First issue of 'Akhand Jyoti' magazine was published in 1937 by Pt, Sri Ram Sharma Acharya. But regular publication of this magazine started in 1940 from Akhand Jyoti Sansthan, Mathura. 

A regular column in this magazine 'Apno se apni bat' (My talk to my people), touched the heart of readers and a team of dedicated people organized for the purpose of changing the thoughts of people of the world.

In 1958, during grand 1008 Gayatri Mahayagya in Mathura, Acharyaji announced a plan known as Ýug Nirman Yojna'. It is also known as 'Thought Revolution'.

Thought Transformation Movement Includes:
  • Dissemination of Righteous Knowledge
  • Mass Awakening Campaign 
  • Advent of New Era

More details about 'Thought Revolution' can be found on the website of 'All World Gayatri Pariwar'

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