Sunday, April 20, 2014

Think On The So-Called Modern Progress

Modern generation has been living in the mania of two mistaken beliefs.
One - the scientific developments have made man omnipotent and
Two - that instant gain is all that matters.

In this euphoria man has totally lost balance of judgment. With scientific achievements, he has become so much power drunk that he has stopped thinking about consequences of his impetuous actions. Under the existing circumstances, irresponsible individuals keep on repenting for the outcome of their thoughtless misdeeds. World is facing similar crisis today. With a peculiar mania man has begun to destroy systematically the very things on which his survival depends. Survival of human race is in danger. One has to pay a heavy price for the cruel jokes and playing with the nature. The numerous problems and crisis in the society have arisen because of man's own irresponsible, wrong actions. In other words, we may call these, exercises in futility. However, it is the responsibility of mankind itself to correct the mistakes. There is no other option.

No doubt, many innovations will be needed for ushering in prosperous future in the next century, but the causes responsible for the present day problems will have to be reviewed to understand whether remedial measures were adequate. This much of analysis would itself be sufficient to resolve the problems to a great extent.

To begin with, let us consider 'production'. More or less fifty percent population of the world today is hardly contributing anything to development of resources. An average human being spends almost his entire life in just looking after his domestic requirements. He neither makes economic nor intellectual contribution to the society expected from a healthy human being. His contributions to the numerous problems of the society beyond his home are minimal. He finds himself a mute witness to the problems of illiteracy, poverty and regression around himself. In the developed nations, women are playing a leading role in developmental activities of their homeland. If women are allowed to develop and systematize their god-gifted capabilities, they can effortlessly increase the expertise, production and productivity of their homeland manifold. It would be difficult otherwise.

Another big problem facing the world today is unwarranted growth in population. Just two thousand years ago the population of the world was about thirty crores (three hundred millions). Today, it has increased to more than seven hundred crores (As of March 26, 2014, it is estimated to number 7.157 billion  by the United States Census Bureau (USCB).The USCB estimates that the world population exceeded 7 billion on March 12, 2012) i.e., about twenty four times. The proportion of land, which was then available to one man, has now to be shared by twenty four. The process has, however, not come to an end. It is continuing in geometrical progression and gradually heading towards total ecological imbalance and disaster. If human lust could be restrained, procreation would automatically be constrained. Then, at some later stage, we may hope for decline in population growth which would inevitably help in alleviating many problems easily.

These days, the tendency of thoughtless extravagance has crossed all limits of decency. It is well known that enough time and money is being squandered in consumption of liquors and drugs, showmanship, personal ornamentation and in making expensive arrangements for matrimonial Functions. Indecent make-ups and wearing of vulgar garments by women encourages lustful reactions. Besides, it paves the way for sexual perversions. Exhibitionism, dowry and overemphasis on ornaments in matrimonial functions are totally destroying the economic structure of the society. Does it need a very high level of competence to get rid of these evils ? Why should anyone find it difficult to avoid such undesirable elements? Is it difficult, burdensome or impossible to follow the dictum of "simple living and high thinking"? Just this much will be sufficient to reduce the sufferings due to poverty to half. If one keeps control on the unrestrained arrogance of exhibiting affluence, there would hardly remain any trace of competition in the society to become a millionaire. Does following the life-style of an average citizen belittle anyone in the society ? On the contrary, he gets the credit for being more idealist, happy, contented, disciplined and liberal. If the expenditure on assuming the so-called high status in the society could be curtailed by following a modest style of living, enough will be saved for the down-trodden and they will be liberated from their forced misery and helplessness.

In this context, let us look at the structure of the armed forces, where all personnel of the same rank are provided identical facilities. Equality is, in fact, an ingredient of modesty. Communities of saints and ascetics follow an established code for living. Any departure from this code is always looked down upon. It is true that the status of kings and their ministers in the bygone days was recognized by the exhibition of their riches; for the modern society, this concept has become obsolete. Today, anyone emulating a king or a lord of Easter year would be looked down upon as a foolish imposter. Communistic-socialistic concepts have now taken roots in the psyche of the masses, who regard the abnormally rich as thugs and cheats and keep on accusing them with numerous improprieties. Extravagance can definitely be stopped, and the savings there from utilized for raising the living standards of millions.

This is the only way to level the incongruities of the society for erecting the framework of social upliftment. Affluence, when utilized for objectives other than arrogant exhibitionism produces better results. Propriety of family inheritance in the economic structure should be limited to making provisions for living for the helpless. It could also be justified as business inheritance. However, there is absolutely no justification in augmenting the assets of the earning members of the family by handing them over the savings of ancestors. It is very difficult to establish the credibility of law-makers and merits of those who were supposed to have benefited from these laws. Nevertheless, natural justice demands that irrespective of the so-called rights of the earners, money has to be utilized where it is needed most. When such reforms are undertaken, any of the crisis facing this world will be resolved, without any special efforts.


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