Saturday, May 11, 2013

An Unprecedented Opportunity Not To Be Missed

Human life is nothing but a chronicle of ordinary and extraordinary events . In normal day to day living one takes casual decisions in one's own stride, but in moments of crisis indecision or hesitancy in action proves to be disastrous. The warning divine signal which Samarth Ramdas received on the eve of his marriage was instantaneously received and faithfully accepted by him like a disciplined soldier. When the suggestion received through body was imbibed by soul, he performed such superior acts of national reformation, which became permanent landmarks in history. Shankaracharya, Vivekanand, Dayanand, Vinoba and other great men had also not wasted years in indecisions about the aim of their life.


Jesus Christ had rightly implored man to make use of the left hand for catching hold of an opportunity for reaching heights of excellence, lest in the brief time available for preparing the right hand, Satan misguides, making one lose some unusual opportunity for all times.


Moments of crisis necessitate immediate action. A little carelessness during the delivery at times becomes fatal for the mother or the child. Most of the road accidents take place because of minor mistakes of the drivers. With only a slight movement of hands an arrow shot at by the archer goes wide off the mark. Life of man is that-rare gift of God, span of which cannot be guaranteed for anyone. Who knows whether a person going to sleep today will not be found in an eternal sleep tomorrow? Who can be assured of a long life? Even well known supermen like Shankaracharya, Vivekananda and Ramteerth had died in the prime of their youth. Hence, it would be wise to take a final decision on one's goal of life in this rare opportunity of existence as a human being in this world.


We are living during the juncture of two centuries. The twentieth century is taking leave of us and the glow of twenty-first century is appearing like the golden sun at dawn. It is an unusual moment of history. It is like appearance of spring after a long hot summer when dark clouds loom in the sky and the vegetation dons its best yellow attire. For mankind it is an emotional moment, when the dying past is meeting the newly born future. During these momentous days, the enlightened wise persons are looking for a goal commensurate with human dignity.


Today, the history of human race is being rewritten with a fresh ink. During this turmoil, when nature is busy in bringing about revolutionary changes, the appropriate opportunity has arrived for man to choose one's own particular assignment. Those who do not act, will be later forced to accept, whatever role is given to them. When the train is crowded, a little effort in the beginning of the journey ensures one the comfort of a permanent seat till one reaches the destination.


In a stage performance, specific roles are assigned to the actors well in advance. When the curtain rises, the actors are merely required to repeat the process of rehearsal. During this juncture of centuries, each enlightened soul has to be its own judge and take an unbiased decision on the quality of next role.


The effect of environment on man is profound. Celebrations enthuse persons in the neighbourhood with zeal for participation. During a matrimony in the house, each big and small member of the family contributes its might according to one’s own capacity. During important events, only such person remains inactive and dissociated, who are not able to work because of either sickness or physical disability. The remaining are compelled to join in the spirit of rivalry and contribute to the success of the event in one way or the other. In opposite moments of crisis too, people are awakened from slumber. When a useful member of the family dies, all persons, belonging to that family are found stricken with grief and everyone accompanies the dead to the burning ghat or cemetery. Important moments of change in history arrive with certain responsibilities for everyone. Indifference on such occasions invites ridicule from even casual observers. In the forthcoming events of festivities, an all-round effort will be made to sweep out the garbage from society and give a new face- lift to the house by painting, white washing and interior decoration. It would be attempted irrespective of the limitations of resources. In India, on the occasion of Holi festival, every bit of disposable inflammable wood is collected and burnt. People embrace each other and exchange greetings. During the festivals of Holi and Diwali hardly any house remains devoid of activity. Lamps are kept in uninhabited houses to commemorate the memory of ancestors.


Today a new chapter is being written in the history of mankind, Herein, everyone of us is welcome to ensure a significant place and make a contribution to be remembered through ages and thus set an example for posterity. It would inspire many generations and will enable people to choose the righteous path and course of action. The size of a lamp is small, yet it is able to lighten a much larger area, expose the actual shape and size of things and disperse the pitch darkness around itself. This it does at the cost of its meagre resources of oil and wick. Is the worth of a man less than that of an earthen lamp? Certainly not in the least! It is only that giant tornado of inhibitions which creates numerous obstacles on the path to excellence. History is full of big achievements of great man. Can't we overcome or get rid of that tendency of inhibition, which brings us self-reproach and condemnation of the society.


Existence of this planet depends on the eternal principles of reciprocity. Generally an act of benevolence is reciprocated by expression of gratefulness. But one goes out of the way to make a total sacrifice of interests for those, who become helpful in moments of crisis. The insignificant contributions of Shabri and Gilahri became historical events for only one reason. Their actions were inspired by a deep-rooted desire to work for God. Narad was conferred with the title of Devarshi and permitted a free access to commune with the Almighty at anytime of his liking for one simple reason. He had totally dedicated his time and energy for spreading the message of devotion to God. The number of worshippers of Hanuman is far greater than those of the devotees of Ram. The reason is that utmost endeavour, with which he helped Ram in tatter's moments of crisis. He had carried Ram and Laxman on his shoulders. Ram had declared him as the senior-most fifth brother in the family.


Today God is exclusively and strongly desirous of creating an environment capable of bringing in a revolutionary change in the decaying culture of man. This will of God is the silver lining of bright future in the Twenty-First Century. It will be seen as imbibition of divinity in human race through the crusade of this mission for development of talent for righteousness. This itself is being seen by people as flame of red torch, symbolizing the Revolution of Concepts (Vichar Kranti) undertaken by the mission. The extent of participation in fulfilment of this divine objective will be commensurately rewarded and one would feel extremely fortunate for one's contributions for this noble cause.

By Sri Ram Sharma Acharya

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