Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Main Theme of Ideological Revolution — Changing Attitudes of the Masses

An architect knows that a great deal of planning and a variety of resources are required for building any structure - big or small. One can easily appreciate how varied an expertise and talented personnel, and how vast resources will be required for establishing the gigantic framework of the New World Order in place of the old morally dilapidated and decadent structure of the present civilization. Legends tell that defeat of the mighty demon king Ravana required no less monumental an endeavor than building a bridge across the sea, setting his capital on fire and uprooting and transposing an entire hill with its medicinal plants on to the battle-field. The task ahead may also be compared to providing shelter to people by Lord Krishna by lifting up the Goverdhan hill as an umbrella against the fury of rain-god or with the astonishing feat of emptying the ocean by rishi Agatsya. The transformation of the world order will be an event parallel to the metamorphosis in human culture created by incarnations of God and prophets in the past.

In ancient times the population of the world was very less. Some two thousand years ago, there lived on this earth only thirty million people. A small number amongst these turned out to be rogues and megalomaniacs. In order to make them disciplined, rishi Parshuram raised his axe (carried out an ideological warfare) and beheaded (brainwashed) them thoroughly. Today the population of the world has increased over to seven hundred million. Amongst the societies of the present world, the majority has become victims of devilish tendencies and there is an all-round crisis of faith in values. Most of them have adopted ideologies unbecoming of human dignity, corruption is taking deep roots in all fields of human endeavor. This universal rot can be checked and cleansed only through a gigantic counteraction of an ideological revolution for re-establishing morality and eternal values.

Historians would testify to the great difficulties faced by the people who planned and executed small and big regional revolutions for local objectives. The task before humankind today is far more stupendous and arduous. Ideologies to which the common man has become accustomed are now required to be changed in totality. In other words, the common man is to be brainwashed to accept new ideologies beneficial for the entire human race. It would involve a process of eradication of corrupt practices while at the some time, encouraging progressive trends, which promote universal welfare.

Brainwashing the entire population the world appears a utopian concept for realising which even a thousand of Samaritans of the caliber of Parushram may not be adequate. Nevertheless, let it be noted, that as the inevitable destiny of man, it is bound to be accomplished. Nothing can prevent the emergence of the New World Order in the new millennium with an omnipresent environment of modesty, comradeship, goodwill and cooperation. In order to provide momentum to this holy mission, the cosmic spirit needs numerous crusaders. Whereas it does not take much effort to destroy something, for any noble creation, much effort is required. A tiny match stick has the capacity to create a fire destroying thousands of apartments. On the other hand establishing a new settlement requires skills of many experts. The architects of the New World Order will come from many disciplines.

-By Shri Ram Sharma Acharya

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