Monday, December 10, 2012

The Life Transforming Spiritual Power of Gayatri – An Example

For the sceptics, an experiment carried out by this mission in the year 1958 A.D. is worth recalling. Under the auspices of the erstwhile headquarters of the mission at Mathura, a mega-Gayatri Yagya was organized in which about four lakh devotees chanted Gayatri Mantra in unison and offered oblations simultaneously in fire lit in each of the one thousand and eight Yagya Kundas. (A yagya kunda is a specially designed three-tiered receptacle of the shape of a pyramid truncated at the base, in which herbal oblations accompanied with specified mantras are made in fire during a yagya. The subtle energy radiated during the performance of the yagya regulates and invigorates all natural animate and inanimate systems miles around the place of performance of the yagya). In the Yagya at Mathura, 400,000 devotees took part from all-over the country. The number of spectators itself was about fifteen lakhs. In this single event, the participants were motivated to organize over six thousand branches or units of the mission, with each member taking a pledge to work for resurrection of the divine culture of ancient India for the benefit of entire human race. The host of creative schemes implemented during the last three decades is nothing but the positive resultants of the spiritual energy invoked during this yagya. Let there be no doubt that the momentum created by the energy invoked by the one million devotees participating in the culminating yagya in 2001 A.D. will be felt for one hundred years there- after and will materialise the dream of transformation of the present world order. Each individual present in this final event will be entrusted with responsibilities commensurate with his or her qualifications, personal environment and convenience.

It may appear incredible, rather impossible, to motivate and train one million social architects in such a short span of time. Nevertheless, if attempt is made to create a powerful mass movement with a forceful wave of idealistic enterprises supported by a spiritual force, there is every possibility of enthusing people to emulate virtues instead of vices. Who in this world would find it difficult to spare a little time, money or resources for some welfare activity or the other, if there is a sincere desire to do so?

An ordinary villager in the Bihar state of India appreciated the utility of the mango tree and with full vigour and perseverance set forth to establish one thousand mango orchards by planting saplings from village to village. His endeavour earned him the nickname of Hazari Kisan (A farmer with one thousand achievements) and the district where he worked became well known as Hazari Bagh (The land of one thousand orchards).

It shows that for success, qualifications and resources are not that important as perseverance. Then there is that well-known love tale in which Farhad, the lover of Sheereen, undertook the challenge of single-handedly digging a thirty-two mile long canal through the hills. Whereas a narrow-minded self centred individual finds it difficult to satisfy ones own needs, large hearted persons are able to devote a part of their time, effort and intellectual talents for great deeds and make themselves immortal in history. We believe that such an environment for voluntary effort for collective good will greet humanity entering the new millennium.

-By Shri Ram Sharma Acharya

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