Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Divine Itself is the Invisible Puppeteer

Let there be no doubt that such gigantic schemes are planned and executed under the guidance, direction and protection of That Supreme Lord of Absolute Time (Mahakal). Only He can make a mountain out of a molehill or a molehill out of a mountain. Existing as an entity beyond the confinement of dimensions, the Creator is never seen working like a limited physical being. Behind all great achievements of great men is the hand and will of That Invisible Entity.

In fact, greatness never belongs to a human being. It is the grace of God operating through man for executing HIS OWN will which outwardly appears as the greatness of a person. The vision outlined above belongs to the supreme Being who has the absolute responsibility of creation, sustenance and maintenance of this cosmos. It is HE who conducts unique experiments with HIS powers for protection of morality, perennial values and for containment of upsurge in immoral practices. How can the plan of THAT BEING fail, WHO is the Creator of the unique creature like man, who controls the entire management of the cosmos? Who can defy his will and action?

The Supreme Being is Omnipresent. Therefore, he is also present within the self of each individual. One can easily seek His favour for a desired objective by upgrading one’s status of morality and committing oneself to his assignment of welfare of humankind. Arjun and Hanuman had become worthy of Divine grace in this manner. Numerous individuals, following this prerequisites for Divine grace have been obliged by Divinity, performed great deeds and have been acknowledged by the world as great men in history. Under its mega-plan named Yug Nirman Yojna (A plan for establishing New World Order) this mission undertook numerous programmes which were planned and executed successfully to cover large sections of society. The credit for the remarkable success of these extraordinary schemes does not go to any particular person or his endeavour but to Divine inspirations and grace. The planners of the mission at its headquarters at Shantikunj, have formulated a detailed scheme and blueprints for its execution for the period covering 1989 A.D. to 2001 A.D.An environment of extraordinary zeal and courage has been created. Since Divinity ITSELF is executor of this plan, there should not be any doubt about achieving the desired objective.

The founder-manager of this mission ascribes the extraordinary feats accomplished during last eighty years of his life essentially to the grace of divine powers. He says that whatever he has been able to achieve by virtue of his ordinary intellect and meager resources is akin to lifting a hill on the little finger. Elaboration of the well known accomplishments, such as creation of enormous literature, organization of the mission, creative movements and establishment of thousands of centres of excellence (Pragya Kendras), itself would appear incredibly beyond the capacity of an individual. These are all indicative of the direction and cooperation of that expert Magician. An average mind may find it incredulous that in future this movement will be able to associate with it adequate number of talented persons and sufficient resources for its world-wide creative activities. But a decision has already been taken to achieve everything as planned. Problems are many, complex, apparently insurmountable and varied.  

The founder of the mission observes that it is not possible for his physical earthly body to tackle them adequately. Great deeds influencing the population extensively can only be performed by immortals by developing paranormal powers (Sookshma Shakti). This is the only way to infuse talents in a large number of individuals. He says that the task of reverting the inverted progressive trends all over the world is extremely difficult for which his physical body will be an impediment rather than a tool. Hence “The Strategist” of the mission (Sootra Sanchalak) has decided to work through the paranormal powers of his astral body, which is going to be fully operative within a short time here after. (In the west, the process of voluntarily, purposefully, discarding the physical body by prophets and saints for working through the subtle astral body is understood as “Resurrection”. Global expansion of ideologies and multiplication of followers long after the death of their founders are tangible evidences of this phenomenon).

Let there be no apprehensions about the movement of the train (the mission's activities) in absence of the engine (the leader). For estimating the capacity of the engine, it is necessary to appreciate the power (that invisible being) which has been pushing it forward. The architect of this mission has assured that even for the period beyond his physical disappearance, arrangements have been made for dynamic, talented personnel, necessary resources and self-propelling momentum for completion of this mega-project by the dawn of the New Millennium.  He is confident that even after casting of his mortal frame, things will work exactly as planned, Non-believers may find it incredible, but the faithful, who have trust in the competence of almighty, would not find it difficult to observe that the diving force which has been providing success to the mission on each step since last eighty years will itself take over charge of the responsibilities handed over to his ordinary dedicated follower (founder of the mission) and see to it that whatever is desired will be brought to a successful completion. The founder of the mission has written and edited the matter to be published in the periodicals till 2001 A.D. and other literature to be published in future. He is leaving behind a team of successors who will not leave any stone unturned for reaching the target. Whenever there is a crisis on this planet, which goes beyond the management of man, Divinity descends to restore order and deploys certain individuals for expressing its design. Legends tell that the holy Ganga came down from its heavenly abode to earth by God’s will but Bhagirath was chosen to chart its course.

Flowing down across the country, the holy Ganga went as a mobile shrine absolving rich and poor alike of their sins without any discrimination. In the new 21st century, Divinity is sending down ‘Enlightened Intelligence’ for the welfare of humankind as the new Ganga of this century for the entire world. Whether it is in conformity with the eternal law of nature, which does not permit a state of disorder beyond a certain limit, or according to the will and discipline enforced by the Creator, appearance of Pragya-Enlightened Intelligence and wisdom in man in the near future is a certainty. Millions will queue up to welcome, felicitate and fulfil the requirements of the New age.

Let us not think that time is too short for so many persons to reconcile to the change of order in the new millennium. Those who have faith in God and in the infallibility of His design should also have a conviction that the Supreme Power WHO is capable of changing a molehill into a mountain can also bring about this metamorphosis in the world order through the medium of a few persons with limited resources.

Some eleven years hence we shall enter in the next millennium. (This book was published in 1990 A.D.) In spite of perfectly sound health, the founder of this mission does not wish to live in this physical body that long. (He cast off his physical sheath and acquired the astral one on 2nd June 1990 A.D.). However he gives an assurance that in order to enhance his spiritual power and paranormally interact with large number of persons collectively and extensively, he will continue to work through his astral body and ensure that the Divinity Enlightened intelligence and wisdom of the New Age appears as scheduled. Those desiring the grace of God at the appropriate time for working as instruments of HIS will and thereby earning the distinction of being associated with the “Revolution of the Millennium”, need to be prepared in advance.

In the new Millennium, Divinity expects each enlightened person to become worthy of Divine grace by getting rid of vices like greed and jealousy and take part in the Divine plan of establishing the New World Order.

What matters most is to avail of the opportunity, which comes only to those who are attentive to the call of the Time Spirit (Mahakal) and show necessary courage to act accordingly.

The Twenty first Century is herewith a comprehensive, all-pervasive revolution of its own kind. With it is coming a new structure of global environment full of bliss and exuberance. The citadel of impropriety is about to collapse. It is the inevitable destiny of man, associating with which, one can have the rare privilege of participation in an epoch-building event, benefiting the entire human race and be remembered with pride by the posterity.

-By Shri Ram Sharma Acharya

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