Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Mirage of Progress

How beautiful and bountiful this world would have been had the discoveries and inventions of science and technology been utilized for the right purpose i.e. for true wellbeing of the masses! 

But alas! The so called leaders of today’s world are obsessed with narrow personal and sectarian interests and available resources are being used inappropriately. 

The result is the present chaos and disorder. 

Be it rich or poor, everyone hankers after the gold of Midas. 

No one is prepared to share, care and cooperate for collective good. 

For personal aggrandisement everyone is blindly busy depriving oppressing and exploiting others and in the process is ever worried, dissatisfied, anxious and perturbed. 

The glitter of progress is only superficial. 

As a matter of fact, modern human society has become chronically sick in body, mind and soul.

Like ghosts and goblins in the cremation ground and graveyard, man lives as a self -created constant and enervating fears and anxieties victim all flowing from a false sense of values. 

Had man appreciated the art and science of rational thinking and proper way of living, there would have been an environment of real progress, happiness, peace and prosperity everywhere!

 In such an environment of love, compassion, goodwill and cooperation, everyone would have experienced a sense of everlasting prosperity and happiness.

-By Shri Ram Sharma Acharya

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