Thursday, November 29, 2012

Grooming Architects of Society

For awakening the masses, teams of missionaries are sent all over the country and abroad. Till a few years back only about a dozen jeeps were being used for their transport. The missionaries are continuously on the move addressing large gatherings, forcefully exhorting people to change their way of life for the better. As the movement is gaining momentum, aspirations and requirements have increased manifold necessitating new arrangements to greater mobility and large number of missionaries are now moving on motorbikes and cycles. On the other hand, there is an perennial stream of persons arriving from far and wide at Shantikunj, and on being motivated spreading the message in their native places on return. These are dedicated persons who are committed to spend a few hours daily for interacting with the masses and contributing their mite for reversing the regressive trends in the society.

However, a greater need than spreading progressive ideology is finding such volunteers who are prepared to sacrifice their personal ambitions for resurrection of high ideals in the society. The task is not easy since the majority of people today is so much obsessed with promoting personal interests, that neither welfare movements like the present “Yug Kranti” (Resurrection of ideals in the new millennium) appears meaningful to them nor do they find time for it in their selfish busy routine. Unfortunately, in all fields of activity we find people working for wages. In a movement like the present one which aims at making the masses ultra-sensitive to high ideals, paid-workers won’t serve the purpose. Such a motivation can only be provided by the charismatic personality of a self less person (Sadhu-Brahman), a missionary (Parivrajak) or by one who has decided to dedicate his entire life to human welfare activities exclusively. For others, it would not be possible to receive trust and cooperation of the common man for an idealistic endeavour.

Keeping the foregoing considerations in view Shantikunj is endeavouring to groom financially self-dependent social workers. This country has had a tradition in which a family sustained itself by joint contributions of its members with each member sharing responsibilities of physical requirements and earnings through cottage industries. Thus in this system, no single member of the family was considered indispensable. Further, in the simple society of ancient times, the social needs were looked after by four classes of people.

These service-groups or castes, in course of long history, acquired the absurd distinction of being sanctioned by God-revealed scriptures. Nothing can be more absurd than imputing discriminative whims to the creator; As a matter of fact, equality of human beings is the hallmark of Indian spirituality. In those days it was customary for each family of all castes to spare one member of the family for social welfare work without jeopardizing family interests. This age-old system produced great talents amongst Brahmans, Kshatriyas and Sikhs in their respective fields. Shantikunj is reviving this ancient “Vanaprastha” tradition and the number of persons adopting it is progressively increasing.

At present, in the Shantikunj Complex there are resident missionaries. Most of them are well-qualified individuals, who after giving up highly remunerative careers have dedicated themselves totally to the mission and are working voluntarily ten hours a day. It is a unique hermitage with none identified as a cleaner, a washer man, a barber or a watchman etc. All such activities are performed through mutual respect and cooperation. Those having financial support back-home, do not seek any help from the hermitage for their living. Others, in the true "Brahminic tradition” lead modest, simple contented lives, accepting minimal assistance from the mission.

Thus, Shantikunj is a living example of spiritual socialism. Its motto” All are equal in spite of caste or class” (Jativansh Sab Ek Samaan” and “Man and woman have the same Status” (Nar aur Nari Ek Saman) is fully exemplified in the lives of the large family of the inmates of Shantikunj. Foreseeing the dire need of the world in the new millennium, in the year 1978, the mentor of Shantikunj took a pledge to train one million social architects in the succeeding twelve years and send them out to work in various fields amongst the people. To accommodate these volunteers, it was then decided to build new residential complexes. At that time, it was planned to increase the residential accommodation two times by 1980 A. D. However today a huge complex of apartments has come up.

The financial support for the management of Shantikunj comes from voluntary donations by members of the mission. Whatever the dedicated members of the mission voluntarily donate for the cause, is found sufficient for meeting the modest needs of the mission. Majority of these donors are contributing only through savings of twenty paise per day. The great Indian sage, Vinoba Bhave had once said, “An organization deserves to live as long only as it is sustained by sincere dedication of those who consider it useful”. It is believed that this motto will be the driving force behind all activities of the mission in future.

-By Shri Ram Sharma Acharya

The Perennial Source of Steadfast Motivation and Aspiration

The power of the pen and force of speech are the two indispensable media for inducing positive values in the masses. Above all, it is charismatic and powerful personality of the leader, who, by presenting himself as a role model, can motivate others for bringing about the desired changes in thoughts and action for establishing a new world order. These three aspects of revolution, namely power of pen and speech and personality of the leader, are amply exemplified in the success story of the founder, mentor and guide of this mission. Every moment of his life, and all his endeavors have remained solely dedicated to the desired objective.

Power of pen: His easily comprehensible commentaries (in Hindi) of almost the entire range of Indian scriptural literature (Sanskrit) are today available for the common man. The enormous literature created by him includes, inter alia, translations of the four Vedas, 108 Upnishadas, 6 Darshanas, Smritis, Brahmanas and Aranakyas, of which he carried out in-depth study and worked tirelessly to make these available to the common man at an affordable price. Besides, based on his own experience, he authored about 1500 books providing simple guidelines for applying the principles of spirituality in day-to-day living. His literature is relevant to all faiths and beliefs of the world. Many articles published in the aforementioned eight monthly periodicals have been translated and published in several Indian languages and in English. The most revolutionary concept of this Ideological Revolution is the system of distribution of its literature. Because of the prohibitive costs of printing-publication and distribution, most of the quality literature being produced these days does not reach the common man. The founder of this mission overcame this difficulty by creating a unique institution of mobile human-libraries. (Jhola pustakalaya) The mission makes books available to its members (and others) at no profit no loss basis and the missions volunteers, from moving door-to-door, motivate the educated masses to read and exchange books periodically without paying any subscription or cost there for. The readers are also advised to read aloud-relevant portions for the benefit of the illiterate members of family. Literature is also being sold for home libraries.

Power of Speech: Besides literature, the other medium for reaching the masses and inducing excellence in mass psychology is the power of speech i.e. by discourses and musical rendition of reformatory ideas through songs and slogans. Practical training in both these fields (public speaking and singing) is being imparted to thousands of volunteers in the courses run at Shantikunj round the year. The curriculum basically consists of man-making material. The students are specially groomed to be courageous and develop a higher level of character to be able to motivate the masses by example.

Power of Personality: The personality of the guide and preacher must be far more powerful and impressive than the power of his pen and speech. If the preacher lacks charisma or has a substandard personality, he would only provoke ridicule or curiosity instead of providing motivation to the masses. It is only the miracle of charisma of the founder-mentor of this mission which has been able to groom over one million social architect through training camps organized at Shantikunj.

In order to coordinate and monitor the activities the field workers have been groped into a large number of centers scattered all-over the country and abroad. These are called “Pragya peeths “ the seats of wisdom. The total number of such centres today is more than 24 thousand in the country and abroad. These institutions are self sustained being managed on meager voluntary contributions of twenty paise and two hours of time daily by each member.

-Shri Ram Sharma Acharya

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Initiation of The Experiment And Future Plans

Keeping in view the foregoing considerations, the founder of the present YUG NIRMAN MISSION (A mission for the resurrection of perennially true ideals for the present era) took the lead in formulating the strategy for the proposed VICHAR KRANTI ABHIYAN ( an uplifting Ideological Revolution). Donating each and every cent of his personal and inherited property for social Welfare and keeping a minimum for personal sustenance, he presented himself as a role model of an ideal social worker. In this way, he exemplified, that those desirous of making contributions of their time, labour, skill or intellectual talents to the present Ideological Revolution (Which is the topmost priority of mankind today) can do so only by first himself being free from greed, attachments and egoism. Only then is one left with sufficient time, resources and motivation for the noble cause.

For the founder of this mission, this has been the guiding principle throughout his life from the adolescent age of 15 years to the advanced age of 80 years. Presenting his own self as a role model, he encouraged everyone coming in his contact to attempt for greater and greater excellence in life and follow the path of high idealism. In this way he has been a true teacher in letter and spirit. The literature created by him, including the monthly periodicals “Akhand Jyoti” and “Yug Nirman Yojna” in Hindi and seven other magazines published in other Indian languages, have not only given nourishing food for thought to millions of their readers but has also moved them so deeply that they could not ignore the suffering of humankind and came forward to make some contribution for its alleviation. At present the readership of these periodicals has increased beyond 1.2 million. Besides, each issue is being read by at least five other persons besides the subscriber. In this way, ideologically, the mission is in close contact with innumerable people. This is the manpower involved in the implementation of the gigantic schemes incorporated in this Ideological Revolution. The number of persons joining the movement is progressively increasing in geometric progression. Thus, this endeavor has the potential of touching over one hundred million persons a large number of whom could become active participants in this campaign for total human transformation. One needn't be either surprised or sceptical about this global revolution. (The growth of Information Technology is hastening the process). In the history of humankind, there have been several instances of such Ideological Revolutions transforming the very texture of cultures. It need not be surprising if the ever-increasing numbers of persons actively involved in this ideological campaign could create an environment heralding the dawn of a new era in the twenty-first century.

-By Shri Ram Sharma Acharya

The Need of the Hour

The crucial need today is to bring about a global revolution in existing ideologies. Let us open a front against corrupt practices and force, each and every human being to observe self-discipline of behaviour conforming to human dignity. This is the only way to bring back the "Golden Age of Truth" (A reference to Satyug of Ramayan Era). Let this be the norm for human life in all fields of activity. This is the path of the true believer-of the devotee of truth, love and justice. There cannot be a greater act of virtue and service to humankind. This is the noble crusade in which “ The supreme Commander” desires everyone to take part. This is going to be the decisive struggle for building a truly bright future for humanity. Wisdom would then no longer remain a utopian attribute of the residents of Heaven of scriptures, but become a reality on this earth in the third millennium.

For establishing lasting reign of righteousness let us plan for an overall ideological revolution. Let us make the responsible citizens of the world realize how they have become irresponsible because of perverted and regressive ideologies. It would require an ideological crusade. Corrupt ideologies can be overcome only by progressive ones. Let us generate progressive ideas on such a large scale and make them so pervasive that not a single living being on this earth suffers from want and misery.

It is a gigantic challenge confronting the entire humankind. Cleansing the minds and hearts of millions of world’s population is not an easy venture. Besides uprooting corrupt ideologies, wisdom worthy of humankind needs to be established to make man liberal and compassionate towards his fellow beings. In order to establish an era of global brotherhood and equality, we shall not only seek willing cooperation of all but also compel by examples the waverers to follow suit.

Where and how should this revolution begin? Who has the courage to bell the cat? For this purpose we would require extraordinarily zealous, courageous and inspired persons, who are prepared to sacrifice personal interests for this noble cause. Where could one find such individuals? Who will fire them with an all-conquering zeal? Who would generate strong motivation and dedication for the cause? In the prevailing circumstances, there appears no other option but to make a beginning with one’s own close associates. In this country (as well as elsewhere in the world) revolutionaries had always, without exception, started their work with a small nucleus of followers around them.

When rishi Vishwamitra had sought the help of king Dashrath against the ubiquitous oppression by demons, the former sent none other then his own young sons for eliminating the demons. Likewise, king Harishchandra had himself come forward to fulfil the wishes of his Guru. Prudence demands resurrection of this age-old tradition. In order to motivate others, one has to put forth our own example as the true followers of the ideals we swear by.

-By Shri Ram Sharma Acharya

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Mirage of Progress

How beautiful and bountiful this world would have been had the discoveries and inventions of science and technology been utilized for the right purpose i.e. for true wellbeing of the masses! 

But alas! The so called leaders of today’s world are obsessed with narrow personal and sectarian interests and available resources are being used inappropriately. 

The result is the present chaos and disorder. 

Be it rich or poor, everyone hankers after the gold of Midas. 

No one is prepared to share, care and cooperate for collective good. 

For personal aggrandisement everyone is blindly busy depriving oppressing and exploiting others and in the process is ever worried, dissatisfied, anxious and perturbed. 

The glitter of progress is only superficial. 

As a matter of fact, modern human society has become chronically sick in body, mind and soul.

Like ghosts and goblins in the cremation ground and graveyard, man lives as a self -created constant and enervating fears and anxieties victim all flowing from a false sense of values. 

Had man appreciated the art and science of rational thinking and proper way of living, there would have been an environment of real progress, happiness, peace and prosperity everywhere!

 In such an environment of love, compassion, goodwill and cooperation, everyone would have experienced a sense of everlasting prosperity and happiness.

-By Shri Ram Sharma Acharya

Principles and Philosophy of Thought Revolution

Three Pillars of Strength:     Will and Patronage of Almighty     Spiritual Guidance ; Protection of Rishis (Seers)     Effort and...