Friday, December 5, 2008

The Origin Of Thought Power

The thought-power and willpower are generated in the mind. Numerous mind boggling examples of the immensity and trenchancy of these mental powers are available in the history of mankind. Paragons are born by awakening of these hidden sources of inner force. Many demonstrations of willpower are recorded in different parts of the world; some are even entered in the Guinness Book of World Records; these often appear astonishing to the masses. 

While most of us might have experienced willpower as the strength of determination, only few would know that thought-power and willpower are manifestations of the same subliminal force of the higher mind and are implicitly the same. Mental concentration is an effect as well as a generator of this power. Every impulse of focused mind is also a refection of this power. Enlightened and deep thoughts are more evolved expressions of this power, which is also regarded by the modern researchers of metaphysics and parapsychology as a source for deciphering the extrasensory psychic force.

How and from where does thought power emerge? It is hidden in the subliminal cores of our minds. Human mind is indeed a majestic bequest of the Supreme Creator. However advanced it may be, no super computer of the world could ever equal the Nature's masterpiece – the human brain. Even the perceivable faculties of mind reflected in wisdom, intellectual and creative talents, memory, eloquence, etc are unlimited; then what to say about its preeminent inner powers? It is a pity that we, the intelligent beings, use only a negligible fraction of this infinite treasure hidden in our own self. Moreover, whatever fraction of this power we are able to awaken, we spend (or rather waste!) it only in earning and gathering comforts for the physical body and in worthless ego-driven activities and passions.

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