Thursday, October 15, 2015

Politics And Clean Character

At the present time, the power of politics is enormous. Therefore, its responsibility too ought to be equally large. As a result of its policies and practices, the government can either improve or tarnish the image and character of a nation. The following are a few suggestions which can help those involved in the field of politics to facilitate the development of the character of the masses. We may not be directly involved in politics, however, being the nation’s voters and responsible citizens, we have a duty to work towards infusing goodness into the political process as well as into the politicians themselves.


In a democracy, the ultimate responsibility for the worthiness or unworthiness of the government lies with the voters. For this reason, a vote is a sacred and solemn pact with the nation. Every one of us should understand its significance. We should never stoop so low as to cast a vote out of favoritism, compulsion or personal interest. We should thoroughly examine the thinking, attitude and excellence of the party or candidate for whom we wish to vote. We should ask ourselves a question as to who should be given the task of shaping the future of the nation.

The atmosphere in schools, the character of its teachers, the quality of the curriculum and the way the school is managed all strongly influence the thinking and lives of the students. Military training should be made a compulsory component of the curriculum. The atmosphere of educational institutes should be enriched with moral and cultural values.


The current justice system is complicated, slow and expensive to the extent that poor and ordinary people often do not have recourse to the law. On the other hand, the wealthy can wield their financial power to manipulate the system to work in their favor. All such loopholes in the justice system need to be closed so that anyone can receive justice, easily, swiftly and affordably. ]


Government officials who are considered for appointment in crime prevention should be appointed only after a long and thorough investigation of their character and trustworthiness. Likewise, when appointments are made to positions liable to engage in corrupt practice, special attention should be given to the character and experience of the candidate in addition to the usual requirements of their qualifications and abilities. There should be a provision in the law which can mete out relatively more severe punishment to offending officers than that which is given to ordinary individuals. Immorality within the general public will be difficult to deal with until the corruption among officers is eradicated.


There should be tighter controls on economic inequality and extravagant spending. Economic disparity is a major factor contributing to high rates of crime. Therefore, everyone should have a means of earning enough money to live. This is only possible when there is a ban on extravagant lifestyles and on the amassing of excessive wealth. Reducing unnecessary varieties of clothing design can help reduce the cost of clothes. Likewise, reducing the variety of useful items will help to lower their cost as well. There should be national production standards regarding function and quality. A small variance is acceptable but it should not grow out of proportion. The likelihood of crime can be dramatically reduced if society is rebuilt on the basis of inclusiveness and equality.


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