Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Inspired and Dedicated Volunteers Required for Establishing the New World Order

In course of the next ten years, the mission proposes to accomplish quite a few projects on priority basis. (The projects in hand are already being implemented speedily.) In this period, one million such new volunteers of both sexes will be recruited and trained for creative schemes, who though finding it difficult to give their whole time, are at least prepared to donate a few hours each day regularly for this work. It is planned to associate ten million social architects for this great change.

For achieving total literacy amongst the illiterate masses, each literate person will be asked to resolve to educate an average of ten individuals and in this way express gratitude to the Creator for getting an opportunity for his/her own education. In this way, this movement will make such a contribution in spreading literacy which otherwise won’t be possible by opening any number of schools and allocating any amount of funds for literacy. As regards corrupt practices attempts will be made to make the tradition of unpretentious marriage ceremonies a norm instead of exception. Simultaneously, other regressive trends like belief in superstition and socially damaging activities would also diminish and ultimately disappear altogether. Once collaboration of each individual in the society is assured by way of regular donation of a little time and money, this small contribution itself will help in proliferation of many creative welfare schemes.

On awakening from the slumber of illiteracy, the two-third illiterate masses will find themselves in a new state of awareness and therefore will be too eager to acquire knowledge through the print media. They will yearn to quench their intellectual thirst by reading books. In such a situation, unless provided with creative literature conforming to the requirements of the new world order, they will go for cheap literature; which would be worse than being illiterate. Hence the human being of the new millennium needs new creative literature in all languages. Provision for it, though a formidable and demanding task, will have to be made.

So far, this movement for the New World Order is being carried out amongst the masses by the enlightened volunteers under the direct supervision of the headquarters at Shantikunj, but it is expected that in the days to come greatly talented individuals in many fields will also join this crusade. The latter would be the elites of the society, enlightened intellectuals, financiers, artists and great men committed to the welfare of mankind. In modern world, most persons are engaged in pursuing their narrow self interests, but soon they will be inspired and compelled by the cosmic spirit to take up assignments under compulsions of the environment of the New Age. Generally, people find it difficult to spare time, money or resources for other persons, but in a crisis, an impulse from within makes the individual take a course of action to which one is not ordinarily inclined. When prophets, saints, revolutionaries and great social reformers appear in this world, a large number of persons come forward to follow in their footsteps. The sudden appearance of millions of Bhikshus (missionaries) in the time of Buddha and Satyagrahis (passive non-co-operators towards injustice) with Gandhi shows that unless insensitive, deaf, dumb or disabled, human beings do respond to the contemporary requirements of humanity, the planners at Shantikunj are fully engaged in preparing the methodology for activating such individuals in the Twenty-first Century. They will be seen emerging with the advent of the new millennium.

As mentioned earlier, most of the holy rivers of India have their source in the Himalayas. The headquarters of this mission at Shantikunj in the Himalayas will also prove to be the fount of the virtual holy river of enlightenment, which will provide direction and inspiration to millions around the world. May God make this generator of power sufficiently strong to provide dynamism to competent persons for this noble cause!

-By Shri Ram Sharma Acharya

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