Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Door to Door Enlightenment Through DIPA YAGYAS

Yagyas are a unique feature of Indian spirituality. Since time immemorial, yagyas have been performed in this country for purification of the environment for preserving echo-balance as well as for mass treatment of physical and mental ailments. Yagyas have been time-tested means for amelioration of stress in individual, family and social environment by serving as an interface between the physical and subtle forces of nature. Large -scale Yagyas have also, provided opportunities for interaction between socially committed people.

Performance of traditional yagyas had, however, been an elaborate time-consuming process. In the existing scenario, with the changes in the life-styles of people, it is not possible to cover the vast majority of people through the traditional system of yagya. It is evident that the field of work of the mission is vast. In order to spread the ideology of the mission, the missionaries would be required to reach out to every nook and corner of towns, cities, villages, suburbs of the land– in fact contact persons door-to-door. Such mass contacts would require collecting such persons in small and big assemblies who are sensitive to the needs of society, have faith in moral values and are intrinsically benevolent. Since a majority of meetings and celebrations now-a days are being organized for emotional exploitation by vested interests, people are reluctant to participate in them. Social workers are particularly averse to such gatherings. The mission has found a simple solution to this problem by collecting people through the medium of “Dipa Yagyas”.

-By Shri Rama Sharma

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