Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dawn of the New Millennium

According to ancient Indian astrological calendar, a span of twelve years marks the passage of time between two millennia. In this way, the twentieth century entered its passing phase in the year 2001 to the ‘Period of Transition’ (Sandhi Kal). Such ‘Periods of Transition’ are very significant for all biological systems. For instance, the end of the night and beginning of the day are reflected in nature as chirping of birds and blossoming of flowers when most of the living beings wake up and become active for their daily routine. For this very reason, dawn is considered suitable for religious rituals such as prayer and meditation. Let it be appreciated that the period immediately preceding the Third Millennium is pregnant with significant potentialities for the human race. In this span of time humankind, after honest stock-taking of its past, will start sowing the seeds for a prosperous and happy world in the new millennium. This period will witness a simultaneous process of eradication of undesirable elements and full blooming of positive traits. (Attempts for non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, awareness about the eminence of environmental pollution, drugs and terrorism; necessity of morality for preventing killer diseases like AIDS; economic unions of countries and floating of common currencies are all indications of the momentum change a head.)

Laws of nature do not permit excess in any field. The moment a certain limit is crossed, nature takes charge to arrest and reverse the trend. Like a pendulum, things cannot go beyond a certain limit. Nature has its own laws for exercising control and re-establishing equilibrium. During the past three hundred years man has shown unrestrained arrogance in all fields of human endeavor. The disastrous reaction was a foregone conclusion. The Creator would not remain indifferent to the annihilation of natural systems operating on this planet, if man, forsaking human dignity, begins to behave like a humanoid animal or a humanoid parasite. In nature, disequilibrium is the root cause of destruction.

The basic laws of nature, therefore, takes timely action and reinstates eternal laws at their rightful place. The rubbish littered by man so far will be cleaned up in the twenty-first century. Direct divine invention will work swiftly, decisively and sweepingly; and will restore the beauty, harmony and order on this planet by flushing away the huge garbage accumulated over the past millennia. Foreseers and futurologists have been foreseeing this silver lining on the clouds that the Twenty-first Century is bringing with it a bright, heavenly future for humanity.

-By Shri Ram Sharma Acharya

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