Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Principles and Philosophy of Thought Revolution

Three Pillars of Strength:

  1.     Will and Patronage of Almighty
  2.     Spiritual Guidance ; Protection of Rishis (Seers)
  3.     Effort and Active Participation of Enlightened Masses

Two Rules for Self-refinement:

  1.     Noble deeds flow out of noble thoughts
  2.     Simple living- High thinking

Our Fundamental Programs:

  1.     Moral Transformation Intellectual Transformation and social transformation
  2.     Public education through various media, using the religious platform
  3.     Dissemination of Gayatri(collective wisdom) and Yagya (cooperative virtuous demeanor)

Our Declaration:

  1.     Self–Transformation will lead to the Transformation of Society; Self-Refinement will lead to Global refinement.
  2.     Twenty-first Century- Heralds advent of Golden Age
  3.     Love Humanity – Serve Humanity

Our Emblem:

  •     Red Torch – Powerful collective effort for Era-transformation
  1.     Man is the maker of his own Destiny.
  2.     A Man is what he thinks and does.
  3.     Man and Woman are not opponents; they complement each other.

Four Formula for Blissful Life:

  1.     Self-refinement
  2.     Study of enlightening literature
  3.     Self-control
  4.     Service     

Three Means of Spiritual Awakening:

  1.     Worshipful Prayer
  2.     Self-Refinement
  3.     Service of society as embodiment of Cosmic Divinity

Four Virtues Needed for Purposeful Life:

  1.     Prudence 
  2.     Honesty  
  3.     Responsibility 
  4.     Courage 

Four Pillars of Powerful Life:

  1.     Control of Senses 
  2.     Judicious use of Money 
  3.     Judicious use of Time 
  4.     Focused Thoughts

Four Steps for Soul-growth:

  1.     Self-introspection
  2.     Self-refinement
  3.     Self-development
  4.     Self-realization

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Gayatri Pariwar - An Introduction

Gayatri Pariwar is devoted for a global movement for moral, cultural, intellectual and spiritual refinement and for reconstruction of era.
 "Gayatri Pariwar is a living model of a futuristic society, being guided by principles of human unity and equality" 
- All World Gayatri Pariwar

Origin of Gayatri Pariwar

In 1953, Pt. Sri Ram Sharma Acharya completed his 24 Gayatri Mahapurashcharanas (which was started in 1926) and established Gayatri Tapobhumi at Mathura. 

In 1958, a grand 1008 kundiya Gayatri Mahayagya was organized and 'Yug Nirman Yojana' launched by Him.

During this grand Mahayagya of 1958 in Mathura, a team of dedicated men and women organized for the same purpose of Yug Nirman (Construction of New Era)

Acharyaji called this team as 'Gayatri Pariwar'.  Later, it is known as 'All World Gayatri Pariwar'.

Mission statement of Gayatri Pariwar is the '18 solemn pledges of  Yug Nirman Satsankalp'

Some facts about Gayari Pariwar:
  • More than 90 millions of members have joined with Gayatri Pariwar in all over world.
  • Gayatri Pariwar Branches have been established in over 80 countries.
  • Vedmurti Taponishth Pt. Sri Ram Sharma Acharya was the founder of Gayatri Pariwar
  • 'Akhand Jyoti' magazine  is the main source of inspiration for all the members of Gayatri Pariwar 
  • More than 4000 Centres(as Shaktipiths/Pragyapiths) of Gayatri Pariwar in all over world
  • More than 25,000 Pragya Sansthans
  • More than 30,000 Swadhyay Mandals
  • Akhand Jyoti subscribers are over 1.5 Millions (and over 2.5 Millions of readers of Akhand Jyoti magazine)
 Aims and Objectives of Gayatri Pariwar :
  •     Rise of divinity in human, descent of heaven on earth
  •     Individual Development, Family Development and Social Upliftment
  •     Healthy body, pure mind and civilized society
  •     Atmavat sarvabhooteshu (all living beings are soulkins), Vashudhaiv kutumbkam (Entire earth is our family)
  •     One Nation, One Language (love), One Religion (humanity), One Government (Self Govern)
  •     Everyone should get equal opportunity for self-growth irrespective of caste, color or creed

According to Sri Ram Sharma Acharya, it is a historical and mega movement of the current time which is a will and patronage of Almighty. It is a golden opportunity to join with this Divine Movement.
Everything about Gayatri Pariwar can be found in detail by visiting the website of  'All World Gayarti Pariwar' 

If you are aware about Gayatri Pariwar and you think that some major information has been left here. Please share your suggestions. If you do not belong to Gayatri Pariwar, your queries are welcome.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Spiritual Foundation Of The New Era

The foundation of the plan of the New Era is neither political nor social but actually spiritual. 

The immensely significant task of changing the era can only be initiated and advanced by efforts made at the spiritual level. 

Any reform done at the political or social level will not have the same depth of support and involvement as efforts made at the spiritual level. 

Therefore, everyone in society should be daily engaged in systematic worship, austerity and introspection and should also inspire others to have similar practices.

Our reform campaigns are merely a medium to realize the ultimate spiritual goal. 

Therefore, we should pay attention to both the medium as well as the goal. 

Our six spiritual programs are as follows: 


The Gayatri Mahamantra is the primordial source of culture and civilization. 

It contains all great teachings in a seed form that can elevate or advance life. 

The main purpose of performing worship is to seek inspiration to be able to steer our feelings and tendencies on the righteous path. 

Gayatri has all the required attributes and power to steer our inner being towards righteousness. 

In this way, Gayatri can be considered a complete and universal mode of worship for humankind.

To perform daily Gayatri worship, we will have to spare time for it every day, even if it be as little as five minutes. 

Reciting Gayatri mantra 108 times takes approximately this amount of time. 

Those who practice other types of worship should continue doing so, but should add Gayatri Mantra to their routine as well.


Gayatri is the symbol of righteous feelings. Likewise, Yagya is the symbol of righteous actions. 

The inspiration to continuously offer those things we like best for the good of society represents the divine inspiration of Yagya. 

Our life should become a Yagya offering. In other words, it should manifest the values, outlook and actions embodied in the philosophy of Yagya. 

We should include Yagya observance in our daily routine in order to continually remind ourselves of this spirit.

If we cannot perform Yagya systematically, due to lack of time and resources, we can simply offer five morsels of home cooked food daily to a fire while reciting Gayatri mantra. 

Lighting a ghee lamp or a stick of incense are also a kinds of Yagya. 

Anybody can choose from these methods of Yagya the ones they find more convenient to their personal situations.



It is the duty of every thoughtful individual not to keep the noble ideas of the New Era to themselves. They should regularly spare some time for sharing these ideas with others. 

Everyone should save time to meet with others regularly.

Go to see friends, relatives, acquaintances and other people on a regular basis, give them books relating to the themes of the New Era to read and talk about. 

In this way, we should contribute some time to the selfless task of creating awareness in the same way that we allocate time for other essential daily chores.


We should read the New Era Pledge every day upon rising in the morning and when going to bed at night. 

We should make every effort to transform our life as indicated by this pledge. 

At night, before going to bed, we should analyze the day’s activities and sincerely try not to repeat the mistakes we made during the day. 

We should aim to refine our lives incrementally, one day at a time.



We should have a routine of contributing some time and money everyday for the benefit of others in need.

We should accommodate donation in our life as an indispensable spiritual practice. 

In this way, we should always contribute a small part of our livelihood to help others. 

We can have a donation box to deposit money or food. 

This money can be used in spreading noble thoughts and noble feelings through the distribution of good books. 

This is the very basis of the New Era.


We need to develop an army of honest volunteers who are devoid of personal attachments and jealousy, have ample self-control, good manners and a decent and stable character. 

Such volunteers should eradicate social and moral evils and be ready to face hardship while using the example of their sacrificing nature and spiritual austerity to amend others. 

The planning of non-violent, constructive campaigns demands a lot of farsightedness, without which it could inadvertently trigger hostility instead of helping to bring about reform. 

The creation of the army of honest and selfless volunteers and the organization of the campaigns to eradicate unworthiness must be done meticulously paying due attention to the above points.

Any eligible individual can have their name enrolled for recruitment as a volunteer. 

The nature of the program they may carry out would depend on their capacity.

Of course, they will have to be trained in the beginning.


Politics And Clean Character

At the present time, the power of politics is enormous. Therefore, its responsibility too ought to be equally large. As a result of its policies and practices, the government can either improve or tarnish the image and character of a nation. The following are a few suggestions which can help those involved in the field of politics to facilitate the development of the character of the masses. We may not be directly involved in politics, however, being the nation’s voters and responsible citizens, we have a duty to work towards infusing goodness into the political process as well as into the politicians themselves.


In a democracy, the ultimate responsibility for the worthiness or unworthiness of the government lies with the voters. For this reason, a vote is a sacred and solemn pact with the nation. Every one of us should understand its significance. We should never stoop so low as to cast a vote out of favoritism, compulsion or personal interest. We should thoroughly examine the thinking, attitude and excellence of the party or candidate for whom we wish to vote. We should ask ourselves a question as to who should be given the task of shaping the future of the nation.

The atmosphere in schools, the character of its teachers, the quality of the curriculum and the way the school is managed all strongly influence the thinking and lives of the students. Military training should be made a compulsory component of the curriculum. The atmosphere of educational institutes should be enriched with moral and cultural values.


The current justice system is complicated, slow and expensive to the extent that poor and ordinary people often do not have recourse to the law. On the other hand, the wealthy can wield their financial power to manipulate the system to work in their favor. All such loopholes in the justice system need to be closed so that anyone can receive justice, easily, swiftly and affordably. ]


Government officials who are considered for appointment in crime prevention should be appointed only after a long and thorough investigation of their character and trustworthiness. Likewise, when appointments are made to positions liable to engage in corrupt practice, special attention should be given to the character and experience of the candidate in addition to the usual requirements of their qualifications and abilities. There should be a provision in the law which can mete out relatively more severe punishment to offending officers than that which is given to ordinary individuals. Immorality within the general public will be difficult to deal with until the corruption among officers is eradicated.


There should be tighter controls on economic inequality and extravagant spending. Economic disparity is a major factor contributing to high rates of crime. Therefore, everyone should have a means of earning enough money to live. This is only possible when there is a ban on extravagant lifestyles and on the amassing of excessive wealth. Reducing unnecessary varieties of clothing design can help reduce the cost of clothes. Likewise, reducing the variety of useful items will help to lower their cost as well. There should be national production standards regarding function and quality. A small variance is acceptable but it should not grow out of proportion. The likelihood of crime can be dramatically reduced if society is rebuilt on the basis of inclusiveness and equality.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

To Create An Atmoshphere Of Goodwill

The greatest service to humanity is to encourage a spirit of kindness, compassion, charity, generosity, cooperation, service, fairness, self restraint and prudence in the society at large. Ruthlessness, self centeredness and lack of magnanimity has turned this world into a hell. The only way to create a heavenly atmosphere on earth is to disallow the inner core of humankind to linger in the deprived state but rather to rekindle the noble feelings which have been lying dormant. People with noble feelings should be considered divine beings. Heavenly peace and prosperity flourish where people of divine nature abound. The following guidelines will help to arouse noble feelings:


Charity work on a personal or group basis should be regularly conducted to give relief to the needy and comfort to the suffering. [Herbal remedies can be made] that can help patients far more than other types of conventional medicines. This kind of inexpensive therapy can be made available at many places by sowing and cultivating medicinal herbs and making an extra investment to create a facility for processing.
Working groups can be set up to oversee fairs, to help people in the event of epidemics, accidents, and other disasters. Involvement in tasks for the welfare of people in need will go a long way towards creating an environment of goodwill. Likewise, employment opportunities should be created for the disabled.


We should gather equipment that people usually have to borrow from others in a central location. Big utensils used in weddings, food processors, portable water tanks, rugs, lighting, ladders, decorations, rescue equipment, and other useful items should be kept in stock and loaned out for a minimal maintenance fee. This will help create goodwill and a feeling of fellowship.


We should encourage activities that can create awareness and compassion among the masses for the plight of animals, birds and insects. Animals and birds are our cousins and we should educate the masses to give up the cruel habit of eating them. Such a practice destroys spiritual virtues and encourages a cruel outlook. Nowadays, most leather comes from butchered animals, rather than from those which died a natural death. Therefore, the usage of leather encourages the killing of animals. We should replace leather shoes with footwear made of canvas or rubber and we should not use other things made of leather.  We should also shun silk production which involves boiling the cocoons of live silkworms. Animal cruelty must come to an end.
We should give greater priority to compassionate rearing of cows and encouraging the use of milk and milk products. This too will promote good health and prosperity and increase a sense of goodwill.

These days, any shopkeeper who offers food and other items at a fair price can be regarded as altruistic. Such items could include flour, lentils, rice, oil, ghee, honey, dry fruit, spices, herbals, hand mills, steamers, small fitness equipment, books, and other essentials.


Public education that can helps in arousing mutual cordial feelings should also be initiated. To enable this, large or small conventions, gatherings for the exchange of views, lectures and other such collective programs should be held on a regular basis. When people come together in one place, it makes it easier to communicate and this togetherness spontaneously boosts enthusiasm. Spiritual ceremonies of various scales can also be useful. Smaller gatherings are far more helpful and efficient than large assemblies as only small gathering can be expected to yield productive outcomes.


Educational camps which can boost mutual cordial feelings should be held regularly. Nine-day camps should be conducted to include mantra recitation, rituals, fasting in the morning, devotional songs in the afternoon and public discourses in the evening. Uplifting literature can be given to participants. Pledges should be taken to give up undesirable habits. Any good orator, well versed in the ideology of the New Era can deliver a discourse. If nine-day camps are held every year, the participants will receive the immense benefits of spiritual practice as well as bolstering good thoughts and feelings.


From time to time, thoughtful people should free themselves from household responsibilities and go on a walking pilgrimage in groups. A schedule should be set beforehand, allocating a one-day stopover at each place to be visited along the way. There should be mantra recitation and rituals in the morning; exchange of thoughts in the afternoon and an assembly to deliver a discourse at night. The necessary preparations must be prearranged wherever the group makes a stop.


Painting inspiring and educational thoughts on the walls in public places is one of the cheapest ways to impart public education. These can be written permanently with paint or on a regular basis with chalk. If a committee will take on the project of painting such thoughts on the walls across the town, the whole town will be enriched.


There should be a central institute for teaching the practices of holistic health that can offer an opportunity to study the problems people face and their methods of resolution. This institute should impart training in resolving these problems in a way that is tailored to each personal situation. Discussed problems could include untidiness, disorganization, family discord, financial problems, undesirable interference by others, marital problems, child rearing problems, obstacles to spiritual progress, poverty, lack of success, worry, anxiety, helplessness, impediments to progress, and the like. Education  regarding the art of living should be given including the principles of psychology, sociology and inter-personal relationships, which can provide needed support for character development.


Monday, October 12, 2015

The Role Of Arts

Art has an enormous ability to touch, motivate and inspire. In recent years, however, art has played a major role in inciting carnal passions. 

Now we will have to divert this powerful medium and engage it in the task of helping to cultivate values that build up healthy, caring and sharing communities. 

The following seven points pertain to how this can be accomplished.


In personal life, the cultivation of cooperation from others depends on how we talk to them. 

Amicable speech can bring unknown and opposing people over to our side, whereas unpleasant speech will turn even our friends against us.  

For the cause of the New Era, we will have to make constant use of this crucial skill. Therefore, we need to be adept in it. 

We should receive systematic training in the things that need to be kept in mind and the skills that need to be developed for both conversation and public oratory. 


Singing is just as important as oratory. A well-rendered song can deeply touch all who hear it. 

Song has as much power to influence the feelings as speech has in transforming the thoughts. 

Singers need to be brought together and they should be given inspiration to learn and sing poems echoing the sentiments of the New Era.

Devotional singing groups who have been fragmented should be reconvened. 

We should also encourage individuals who sing in private to give the public the benefit of their art. 

Collective musical programs should be organized on a regular basis. 

The main thrust of all these programs should be to facilitate elevating thoughts and feelings among the masses.


Those who have a good voice and a talent for playing instruments may not get an opportunity to develop without an availability of a systematic training facility in vocal and instrumental music.


It is of the utmost importance to inundate publications and exhibits with pictures of great people, self-sacrificing individuals, people with exemplary characters as well as inspiring events that can foster worthy and advantageous impressions on mind. 

To achieve this, it will be expedient to receive help from those artists who can impart uplifting feelings and thoughts among the masses by means of their creations. 

Inspiring thoughts, sayings and uplifting quotes should also be portrayed in an artistic way. 

Use of cartoons and caricature can also be effective in campaigns against immorality.


The undesirable consequences of the present-day social and moral evils should be displayed in the form of posters. 

This can prove very effective if the pictures are clever in the way they communicate the real facts to spectators. 

It is essential to make the public aware of the alarming increase of destructive policies and behavior. 

This can be done by displaying excerpts from newspapers and periodicals. 

Exhibitions of graphics, excerpts and quotes are necessary to arouse the public’s awareness, alertness, opposition and struggle against evil. 

Equally important is the simultaneous display of graphics, excerpts and quotes conveying the growing popularity of generous and altruistic acts so that they can inspire people to commit acts of kindness, sacrifice, love and generosity and to tread the righteous path and lead a virtuous life. 

Such exhibitions, if regularly staged in fairs, festivals and other occasions, would go a long way towards encouraging progressive values, ideas and activities.


The organizers of street plays should cut down the meaningless and solely entertaining elements and emphasize those features that impart teachings that inspire people to walk a righteous path. 

This style of performance should be used to educate the public. 

Most fairs, carnivals and pageants have an underlying tradition or history which can be highlighted with street plays, theatrical drama, monologues, exhibitions, singing, music, posters, and the like. 

This will educate people as to the main purpose of the celebration and thereby help them assimilate its core ideals. 

Accomplished artists who perform in  street plays can help organize programs in their locality for both education and entertainment. 

This will not only attract more people to the fairs, but it will also provide a good opportunity to communicate a message.


Theatrical performances are a more evolved form of the open air street play.  

Here we are not talking about professional drama companies but about small groups which can create a stage with readily available materials and perform plays to portray inspiring scenes from the lives of great people or historical scenarios, thereby using them to entertain the masses. 

Such groups can also charge fees to sustain themselves for the purpose of promoting noble themes. 

One-man shows are also very engaging and entertaining. 

Solo performance is the most popular and successful art of expression in schools and can be extended beyond the boundaries of schools to programs and festivals. 

It is desirable to write and put together such play scripts that can adequately contribute to the moral character of the revolution.


Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Role Of People With Special Talents

Individuals with particular talents, through their charismatic personality, can play a special role in the efforts to usher in the New Era. In this regard, the role of artists is particularly important. Writers, poets, orators, musicians, visual artists, wealthy individuals, scholars, politicians, and many others can all contribute a lot to the task of reform by means of their talents. The plan for the New Era proposes the following suggestions to talented individuals regarding how they should contribute:


The writers and poets of the nation who are currently engaged in writing in different languages should be contacted and motivated to keep the needs of the New Era in mind when writing. In the same way, the publishers and editors who are involved in the publication industry should be encouraged to print and publish only that literature which inspires, enlightens and guides the lives of the masses. Newspapers and book dealers should also be requested to contact those engaged in the field of literature to motivate them to fulfill the current needs of the times.


There is a great scarcity of newsletters and magazines that propagate thoughts that will be helpful in meeting the needs of the New Era. There are several themes that directly relate to the change of era that we are undergoing, but so far there is hardly any formidable thought center which can do anything about them. Those newsletters and magazines which do exist merely follow their own agenda and lack the actual passion and program of selfless missionary style. The wider needs and enormity of the New Era call for at least one hundred publications on these topics to be started immediately. People who are equipped with the necessary talents and enthusiasm should be trained for that purpose.


There should be a well organized network of publishers, each of whom should specialize in one particular subject mater. All publishers in the network should exchange the books they publish with one another. In this way, each publisher can have ample amount of books on a wide variety of subjects. They should manage the sale of books by means of their own outlets, door-to-door sale, advertising and any other effective means. In this way, the publisher specializing in one particular subject can become the promoter of books on other subjects as well.


There should be at least one New-Era Press in almost every city which will help its operator earn livelihood in an honorable way as well as to pursue the program of augmenting good thoughts and feelings among those living in the neighboring areas.


Inspiring and touching poems that resonate with the thoughts of the New Era should be written in all languages. They should be published as pocket books and made available at affordable prices. Inspirational folk music is also dearly needed. No genre of songs should be exempt from the need to motivate, enthuse and uplift. Songs traditionally sung by women on auspicious occasions need to be composed and published to suit the purpose of the occasion. The demand for inspiring poems for everyone from literati to farmhands must be fulfilled in a systematic way. Without accomplishing this essential task, the dream of fostering a heavenly atmosphere on Earth cannot be realized.


Principles and Philosophy of Thought Revolution

Three Pillars of Strength:     Will and Patronage of Almighty     Spiritual Guidance ; Protection of Rishis (Seers)     Effort and...