Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Donation of Time–The Supreme charity - I

Charity means Giving. It involves an endeavour to energize and develop natural capabilities provided by God to each human being and benefiting others there from. This is the basis for creating heavenly environment on this earth. 

Taking i.e. hoarding, usurping tantamount to depriving others of their rights and advantages. This, in fact is an act of sin of which hell is a metaphorical expression. 

All super persons born in this world have used an exclusive methodology for promotion of excellence. They reciprocated by multiplying manifold whatever they received and gave it to the world. 

Donation of money is only symbolical. It could as well be misused and create adverse reactions for the receiver. Real donation is that which one makes of one's talents, since out of talents only are generated wealth and resources. Donation of time is charity in real sense since time is a natural gift of God available to everyone in equal measure. 

However, one is not motivated to donate time for higher objectives unless there emerges in the heart of the person an irresistible urge to follow ideals in life.
We are passing, through an unusual phase in human history. The emergency necessitates immediate decision and fast action, like the one required when the house is on fire or the train is about to leave the station. Had Hanuman, Buddha, Samarth Guru Ramdas, Vivekanand and other super persons not taken a timely decision and action, they would have missed the glorious opportunity, which later made them famous. 

Jesus Christ has rightly said that an opportunity for a virtuous deed must be grabbed even if it is within the reach of left hand, lest one is misguided by Satan in the short time taken by bringing the right hand in the right place.

- By Shriram Sharma Acharya

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