Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Thoughts attract thoughts of similar kind

"Accumulation of similar or compatible elements appears to be the law of Nature. This is what accounts for formation of seas and oceans. Individually the metal particles lie unnoticed in the soil. However, wherever they are gathered, their force of affinity compounds exponentially and leads to formation of huge repository of that particular substance. The gigantic mines of metals and minerals evince this fact. 

Similar is the case with superposing of sound waves etc. The cycle of their circular motion and recurrence with further superimposition of similar thought waves creates a subtle energy field in the etheric expansion that widens and affects more and more people having even slightest receptivity to those thoughts, with its larger and sharper reach. 

This is why the books we read, the ambience we live in most of the time, or the people we interact with, indirectly influence our thinking and tendencies. This is how the company of drunkards produces more drunkards, that of thieves makes others thieves and so on; this is how criminals form stout gangs. This is how the inspiring proximity of saints, great personalities, or sagacious thoughts enlightens and elevates many others. 

 What kinds of thought waves influence one and to what extent? This depends upon what his mind is prepared for and what are its own intrinsic inclinations and aspirations. 

Radio stations or satellite sites broadcast/transmit varieties of programs, but our radio or television sets receive only those for what they are tuned. Our minds are also like antennas or receiving stations for thought waves they are naturally tuned or vigorously trained for. Good people with alert mind feel some kind of repulsion from cruel, cunning or debased people; whereas the magnetism of morally pure, elevated and kind-hearted personalities often attracts them. Contrary is the case with people having mental vices, evil characters or perverse tendencies. "

--Sri Ram Sharma Acharya

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bright Future For Mankind

"The divine powers of the Rishis, who are extremely kind to me, have got all the work, including the performance of twenty-four Mahapurashcaranas of Gayatri, done through me for the welfare of mankind. 

They are concerned about the gathering clouds of a total holocaust which are hovering at present over the whole earth and they are seriously trying to avert it. One of the steps in this direction is to fill me up with unalloyed spiritual purity, power and brilliance.The present phase of sakshmikarana is going on in the form of Savitri sadhana. This has nothing to do with ego-centred fame, prosperity, superiority or magnificence of a particular individual. The only aim is to make the faltering steps of upward human growth and human dignity firm. 

This can be accomplished by five Virbhadras to whom this task has been entrusted. Ram and Laxman had sat on the shoulders of Hanuman. This is nothing but giving credit to or choosing a medium. How could the great battle of Mahabharat have been fought on the basis of a single Gandiv Bow? It will be regarded an impossible task by ordinary common sense. But what God wills gets fulfilled anyhow. A strong man like Hiranyakasha was torn to pieces by Bhagvan Varaha. 

It is my personal vision that this time also the demoniac forces will not be allowed to succeed. Those who are at present involved in destruction will be transformed and become co-operators of the forces of new creation or new persons will be born to overturn them and in this way the transformation will be effected. 

India is destined to play a prominent role in establishing real world peace, securely founded on conscious spiritual unity in diversity.While many prominent and great thinkers are apprehending annihilation, it is my emphatic prophecy that the Evil, which in reality is an inverted form of Good, will be reconverted into the original Good; that which is topsy-turvy at present will be set aright. 

Let this statement of mine be taken with the seriousness it deserves. The dark clouds of evil tendencies created by unbridled scientific advancement will be blown away by a forceful hurricane of divine tendencies. Darkness will be dispelled and eternal light will shine forth. This is possible only through the irresistible and invisible power of the Rishis. "
--By Pandit Shri Ram Sharma Acharya

Why Thought Transformation?

"To give proper direction to human thinking, I have given priority in my future programme to the creation of an irresistible current of noble thoughts that would instantly wash away all the impurities and evil tendencies entrenched in the collective human psyche. "

"Viciousness has overpowered the minds of the people these days. To change this atmosphere such awakened persons are needed who could play the roles of Munis and Rishis like Vyas, Buddha, Gandhi, Karl Marx, Martin Luther, Aurobindo, Maharshi Raman; and fulfil the aim of Vicar Kranti (revolution in thought) through direct or indirect efforts."

 "This is possible only by mighty inner Tapashcarya-sadhana whose visible manifestation will be the energy of Yug-manisha which by its power would write literature of highest standard capable of transforming the present era. "

"It is my moral duty to continue working towards the fulfilment of the pledge which I had taken forty-seven years back to disseminate the insights revealed to me through the medium of Akhand Jyoti."

--By Pandit Shri Ram Sharma Acharya

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Realm Of Thoughts

As the sun spreads the heat and light in all directions, our mind also continuously emits energy radiations in the cosmos through the medium of thoughts, emotions, desires, determinations, inspirations etc. Every human thus inadvertently influences – even without saying or visibly doing anything – the ambiance and hence many others around him via these mental radiations.

Throwing a stone in a pond produces wavy currents of water on the surface. Our thoughts also do something similar in the cosmic pool of ether. The waves generated by thoughts are more subtle and of higher frequency than the light or sound waves. These waves do not cease and continue to traverse in the cosmic expansion with superimposition on compatible thought-waves. Because of their circular trajectory, they eventually return back to their origin with more intense resonance effect (due to superimposition), while also influencing on their way the like-minded people, or those whose minds are receptive to similar kinds of thought-waves. Their impact is negative or positive, depending upon the quality of the thought, upon the person from whose mind the thought had emerged and also upon the mental force of others in their domain of influence.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Origin Of Thought Power

The thought-power and willpower are generated in the mind. Numerous mind boggling examples of the immensity and trenchancy of these mental powers are available in the history of mankind. Paragons are born by awakening of these hidden sources of inner force. Many demonstrations of willpower are recorded in different parts of the world; some are even entered in the Guinness Book of World Records; these often appear astonishing to the masses. 

While most of us might have experienced willpower as the strength of determination, only few would know that thought-power and willpower are manifestations of the same subliminal force of the higher mind and are implicitly the same. Mental concentration is an effect as well as a generator of this power. Every impulse of focused mind is also a refection of this power. Enlightened and deep thoughts are more evolved expressions of this power, which is also regarded by the modern researchers of metaphysics and parapsychology as a source for deciphering the extrasensory psychic force.

How and from where does thought power emerge? It is hidden in the subliminal cores of our minds. Human mind is indeed a majestic bequest of the Supreme Creator. However advanced it may be, no super computer of the world could ever equal the Nature's masterpiece – the human brain. Even the perceivable faculties of mind reflected in wisdom, intellectual and creative talents, memory, eloquence, etc are unlimited; then what to say about its preeminent inner powers? It is a pity that we, the intelligent beings, use only a negligible fraction of this infinite treasure hidden in our own self. Moreover, whatever fraction of this power we are able to awaken, we spend (or rather waste!) it only in earning and gathering comforts for the physical body and in worthless ego-driven activities and passions.

Principles and Philosophy of Thought Revolution

Three Pillars of Strength:     Will and Patronage of Almighty     Spiritual Guidance ; Protection of Rishis (Seers)     Effort and...